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Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

The Sexualization of Society

The Sexualization of Society

For ten years, I’ve been addressing the growing problem of human trafficking, particularly child prostitution. Frequently, those who are new to the grotesque facts of this growing global cancer are initially angered not at the facts themselves but at me and others who have brought these realities to their attention. Frequently the process of acceptance initially begins with deep disbelief and suspicion then moves to shock and horror and typically ends with a sense of being overwhelmed and disturbed.This is to be expected when looking such a monster as child prostitution in the face. Addressing an issue like child prostitution holistically is the only way we can expect to have any impact on such a rape of humanity. If we merely articulate the economic/profit drivers of the problem and fail to address the overall realities of poverty and political instability, we will fail to fully realize and engage the issue. If we only address the geopolitical circumstances which allow the modern day slave trade to proliferate and fail to also address the complicity of those who participate through the remote consumption of sex slaves through internet pornography, we will fail to fully get at the roots of the issue.
Ultimately, a problem like child prostitution as a spiritual problem has many different manifest implications. Child prostitution has medical, economic, political, social, familial, and psychological ramifications but to address any one part of this complicated matrix without addressing the human soul as the controlling issue is a mistake.
In Escaping the Devil’s Bedroom: Sex Trafficking, Global Prostitution and the Gospel’s Transforming Power by Jewell, the author makes the case for the connection between the sexualization of society and the growing acceptance of a slave culture. Many resources on human trafficking focus entirely on particular case studies and overwhelming statistical facts but Jewell makes the necessary connection between a sexualized society, the growing appetite and acceptance of sexual exploitation, pornography and the remote consumption of victims with the spiritual brokenness of humanity. This matrix of causal factors is rarely explicated in resources on the issue. What Jewell has articulated is the heart of the issue we must address.
Before we ask how a place like Toledo, Ohio can become in 2009 the child prostitution capital of the United States, we must first ask the question, “How can a person’s heart get to such a state of destitution that she would commoditize a child sexually for financial gain?” Before we can ask the question, “How can sophisticated, educated people in major metropolitan nightclubs legally get away with paying for sex with under-aged slaves?” we have to first ask the question, “What has happened to the human soul to allow us to actually enjoy paying for the opportunity to rape a child?”
Quintessentially these and other questions are spiritual in nature. The real question to me as an evangelist is how have we gone so long without such an exploitation of humanity? We have been anaesthetized to the true horrors of our own sin and brokenness. Wealth, education, a long period of relative peace and the façade of personal satisfaction through indulgence have paved the way for a forgetfulness of the deranged depths of our own humanity.
The return of the global slave trade is not only a stark reminder of the brokenness of the human soul, it is THE moral issue of our day. The only way to retain the relevance of a Biblical faith in this modern milieu is to fully engage the issue of global slavery with the spiritual power of the gospel. To fail to act
against this preeminently spiritual problem with the only spiritual power capable of bringing justice is to ultimately abdicate our role as salt and light in the world. We must act.
We must also understand how the sexualization of society has led to the possibility of the commoditization of humans and that this commoditization has led to a growing acceptance of the consumption of this commodity-children, women, young boys and girls-people for whom Christ died. Our generation will be judged by our children by what we did or did not do to protect the least of these. 

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