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Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

5 Ways to Speak Life Into Someone

5 Ways to Speak Life Into Someone

Today I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Greg Smalley speak on the topic of marriage and the 5 ways to speak life into someone. As my heart has a great desire to encourage and uplift others, I was deeply moved by this message and knew instantly that I had to share it.
5 Ways to Speak Life Into Someone:
  • Speak Words of Praise
  • Speak Words of Gratitude
  • Speak Words of Validation
  • Speak Words of Honor
  • Speak Words of Encouragement
Greg reminds us, in his message today, of the importance of seeing others as God sees them. Isn’t it so hard at times to really see others as God sees them? Actually, it is not humanly possible to do this without the power of God’s love living in you. I lived most of my life in darkness. Only seeing the negative in my life and the negative in others. My words were not filled with praise, gratitude, validation, honor or encouragement at all. But thankfully, in the midst of all that darkness, the Lord pursued my heart. Did you know He is pursuing your heart too? As I responded to God’s lovingly pursuit on my heart, I would choose to turn and face Him every chance I could. I would choose to take time to truly be still in His presence. As God’s love would fill me up to overflowing, my view of life and of others changed dramatically.
Read this excerpt below from my book, Living Still, as I go deeper into this topic:
Chapter 18~Be Love and Give Love
Recognizing when we have neglected to allow God’s love to fill us is the first step in learning to practice a life of love. When I feel empty, tired, stressed or short-tempered, I have learned to admit that I am living on my own strength—and am failing miserably. Before I have a chance to react in an unloving way, I choose to take a few minutes to turn my focus back to God. I make a conscious decision to let it all go and just breathe, and He always fills me right back up. It really is that simple. We can choose to stop, refocus and allow God to transform our perspective on our circumstances. Or, we can choose the destructive path where we hurt others and ourselves.
Too often we choose to live on our own strength, letting our tanks get lower and lower, until there is nothing left. When we are depleted, we often feel out of control and may begin to act out, saying things we later regret. Or, we may start to respond to others out of fear or other negative thought or behavior patterns. When we react out of self, we are not being love to those around us.
I desire for people to see the love of God flowing in and through me. I hope that when someone looks at my life, he or she will see Jesus and be greatly affected by His love in me. However, in order to be an expression of God’s love, I have to continually accept and allow His love to take over my life; I have to ensure that my love tank is full. When it is, God’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control will flow out of me. But, if my love tank is empty, or even running low, then the ugly motivations of my heart will show themselves. My life will not be characterized by love, but by bitterness, judgment, anger, fear, jealously, greed, lust, pride or selfishness—to name just a few.
What flows out of you? Do people see God’s love when they look at your life? Or, do they see a person who is only living for self?
Greg Smalley also reminded us that it is human nature to miss the beauty that is right in front of us. Please don’t miss the beautiful blessings that are right in front of you. I encourage each and every one of you to take time, right now, to be still in God’s presence, get filled up with His love and then go and speak life into the people that mean the most to you. You will be so blessed for doing so. Thanks for listening as I share my heart with you today.

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