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Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

Why Most Christians Experience Stress And How You Can Overcome It Now Guaranteed

Why Most Christians Experience Stress And How You Can Overcome It Now Guaranteed


Just recently I heard a true story of a guy that jumped off a bridge here in metro Atlanta and killed himself on Memorial Day. He posted a message on Facebook before he did it.

From my understanding it was due to stress. He couldn't handle it. I don't know what his spiritual beliefs were at all. All I know is that he left behind 4 kids and he is physically gone forever from earth.

Stress, life's pressures, circumstances, situations and challenges got the best of him. That makes me sad...really burdens my heart, angers me, and makes me want to preach and live harder spreading the GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

I've come to the conclusion that stress and pressure are going to try to harass you in life, whether you are an atheist, Christian business owner, regular person, celebrity, black, white, Jew, Christian, broke, rich, poor, wealthy, red, doesn't discriminate.

Since we KNOW that we are going to have to face it in life continually the question then becomes how do you overcome it consistently.

Trust and believe I have the answer for you. Before I give it to you let me share with you where most stress comes from. I'm not a doctor or brain surgeon or anything like that. However I do know a little bit about humans since I am one :).

Most stress and pressure comes from people thinking they are OWNERS. And when you are an OWNER you have to deal with the responsibility of providing, caring, maintenance, funding, sourcing, etc of whatever you OWN.

Here's the 1 simple thing you can do right now to overcome stress, guaranteed. It may seem too simple and leave you saying, Adrian come on man it has to be more to it than that.

Nope. Just do this one thing and you will be good.

Here it is:

Realize that God called you to rulership not ownership.

Big difference.

According to, to rule something you are to control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern.

Sounds familiar in scripture right? Genesis 1:26 "let them (mankind) have dominion...."

That word dominion in the Hebrew means to be established as a sovereign, kingly ruler, master, governor, responsible for reigning over a designated territory, with the inherent authority to represent and embody as a symbol the territory, resources, and all that constitutes that kingdom.

I know that was a lot however you must digest it.

In other words I'm introducing you to a kingdom principle called Commonwealth. I'll briefly go over it.

In a kingdom the wealth is common hence the word commonwealth. Everybody has access to the same resources. There are no haves or have not's.

Therefore there is no jealousy or envy because what I have you have. And when you live in a kingdom you KNOW that the king owns everything. That's why he is called Lord, which means master, ruler, owner.

The problem is we as Christians and even non Christians think we own stuff.

We own our cars, jobs, houses, clothes, money, food, bills, sickness, diseases, problems, etc. If someone threatens what we own to take it, or we lose a job, money vanishes, house gets foreclosed, we get sick and keep it around by "saying" I'm sick in my body, or whatever then we stress out.

But if we realize and acknowledge to God that we own nothing and He owns everything, we are just rulers and He has given us ACCESS to use His stuff then life becomes stress free.

Please don't take what I am saying lightly. What I am saying is not some new age stuff or pie in the sky.

Recently I told God, "I give you back the money, car, business, bills, church, members, relationships, food, clothes, everything. I acknowledge you as Lord. I thank you for giving me access to your resources. Please forgive me."

When I did that...from that moment on I have not dealt with stress like I had in the past. And this has to be a decision that I do moment by moment. I catch myself saying the word "my" at times. I'm learning how to break the habit, eliminate if from my vocabulary and live stress free.

Jesus did...why can't we?

So that's how you overcome stress in your life guaranteed without any medicine, all night prayer meetings, oil, or jumping and hollering. Just make a simple decision.

Do it and watch what happens.

Leave your testimonies below. I can't wait to see them.



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Posted by: Daniel Ioan Notar *DJ_DANY*

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