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Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Christy Nockels Wiki, biography, pictures, Christy Nockels ( VIDEO ) CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN-Christy Nockels Artist Profile

Christy Nockels Wiki, biography, pictures, Christy Nockels ( VIDEO )

CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN-Christy Nockels Artist Profile

When Christy Nockels was a child, there was plaque on the wall in her house, one of those name-meaning plaques that read: “CHRISTY, follower of Christ.” Psalm 37:4-6. On the back, her mom had written: “If Christy gives her heart to Christ, he will show her where to go.”

She believed those words to be true. So she held up her heart, and God has been giving it dreams and holding it high ever since.

Fast forward to 2005. When Christy and Nathan Nockels—best known as Watermark—made the decision to take their professional duo off the road to spend more time with their young family. It was a matter of necessity and trust; an end to a rewarding season, in pursuit of something unknown but even more important than recording success.

“It was so freeing to clear the table of everything, to go out with a blessing,” Christy says of that decision. “But God began to peel the layers back, to reorganize my mind and my world, so I could begin to see all that he was doing through me.”

It was during this revealing season that Christy became even more convinced of her calling. “My cause in life is to be a songwriter for my generation to proclaim Jesus’ renown,” she says. But what she didn’t know was how to pursue that desire while fulfilling her highest calling. “God stripped a lot away and taught me that He is the desire giver. When I didn’t think I’d ever record again on a label, He showed me, ‘Christy, if you focus on your children and your husband, I will take up your cause.’ ”

In 2008, when talks with Passion’s Louie and Shelley Giglio about signing with sixstepsrecords turned to talks about the new church the Giglios were launching in Atlanta (, Christy knew that this was the unexpected turn for which God had been preparing them.

When she told Nathan about the opportunities in Atlanta, there was no hesitation. “We need to put the house up for sale,” was his reply. When their house sold after four days, without so much as a sign in the yard, God put a big exclamation point on their new path. After the move in July of 2008, surrounded by boxes and furniture yet to be assembled—doing ordinary mom things—Christy began recording song ideas into her iPhone. She began dreaming previously unknown melody lines, waking up in the middle of the night to take notes. And the songs just kept coming and coming.

Produced by Nathan Nockels, Light Life Up, Christy’s solo debut on sixstepsrecords, is the powerful, “real-life at worship” result of this season of refocus, desire and confirmation.

“More than ever before, the songs I found myself writing were responses to things going on around us,” Christy says of what would become Light Life Up. “I’d always written songs to sing over people, but these new songs are songs to sing with people, to lead people in worship. It was amazing confirmation, and out of that came a trust that I can still lead my generation and be a mom...”

“With you, I can do

anything. I can go anywhere... you are the song I bring. I may live and I may die, either way you’re glorified, bless the day I give my life away...”

The title-track and first single “Light Life Up,” inspired by the Passion Conferences Regional event in Boston and the explosive worship response of the students there, is the centerpiece of the release. “There I was, wondering how I could be somebody these students could relate to and look up to, feeling God calling me to a deeper place of leadership, asking, ‘Are you sure, Lord, that you don’t need somebody younger?’ But in Boston my heart just exploded, seeing these Ivy League students so hungry, such expectancy on their faces. I didn’t want to leave.”

On the airplane, just after takeoff, Christy looked down on the city lights of Boston and wrote a song for those students... and for herself. A revelation of truth that God has called us to light this world up with our lives, to give ourselves away to glorify His Name. It was the first of many songs that both confirm and proclaim the desire of Christy’s heart.

The opening track, “No Not One,” co-written with Brandon Heath, is a soaring pop anthem declaring Jesus’ fame in definitive terms. Packed with more of the ‘Passion’ sound and energy than one might expect from Christy’s Watermark era, “No Not One” celebrates in no uncertain terms what it feels like to be forgiven and confident as a child of God. “I hadn’t co-written too much except with Nathan, so I was a little nervous, but Brandon was a worship leader in Texas at the time, and we had a lot of the same ideas, playing off the old hymn,” Christy says. “I knew it would be a really great song to lead, and I’m always looking for celebratory songs, so this one fit really well.”

“Keeper of history, glorious mystery... We trust no other Name, our hope is in you...”

One of the highlights of Light Life Up is Christy’s spin on “A Mighty Fortress,” an unforgettable, ‘repeat-set’ proclamation of faith in fearful times. “When you look at the world around us, you can’t help but fear for your children,” Christy says, “so I needed a reminder of God’s promises to us, that we will reign with him forever. That his kingdom is unshakeable. I want to lead my children in that kind of trust. That’s what this song and ‘You Are Able’ are all about.”

Inspired by a sermon her father/pastor used to preach about the Hebrew slaves who were given their freedom, only to choose to stay with their master, “My Master”— a stunningly beautiful ballad—holds a special place with Christy. “It’s not really a popular thing to call Jesus your Master in our prideful culture,” Christy says, “but what a sweet relationship that can be and the joy of renewing that vow... ‘I take your name and live in liberty... my life is yours forever...’ That story has had such an impact on my life; it’s such a precious one for me.”

In these and in all the passions on Light Life Up, Christy Nockels unintentionally reveals what happens when a woman—or any one of us, really—stops chasing her own dreams and allows God to bring his dreams for her into marvelous light.

Christy Nockels Artist Profile

Christy Nockels has long had a huge appreciation for music and the role it plays in the kingdom of God. As a worship leader for many years, she has been an integral part of Passion Conferences from its inception in 1997. She's seen firsthand music sweep people into the presence of God in a powerful way. On her new sixstepsrecords release, Into the Glorious, Christy's prayer is to further explore biblical truths that elevate our worship and bind us in our hearts even closer to our creator.

"He really took me deeper during this writing and recording process, and I'm just so grateful how He does that," Christy says of God's faithfulness. "He doesn't leave us to our own devices. He loves us enough to take us deeper. I feel like that's what happened during this record and the end result is something more special to my heart than I can ever remember a record being to me."

That is saying a great deal considering the young vocalist's history in music. A pastor's kid, who was born in Fort Worth and raised near Lawton, Oklahoma, she grew up singing in church. She met her husband, Nathan, in 1993 at the Christian Artists Seminar in Estes Park, Co. They recorded an independent record with fellow worship leader Charlie Hall under the name Sons & Daughters that led to an invitation from Louie Giglio to participate in the first Passion conference in Austin.

Christy's voice gained a national platform when she and Nathan formed the duo Watermark, recording four acclaimed albums before that musical season ended, paving the way for Christy's solo career. In 2008, the couple moved to Atlanta to become part of Passion City Church where she serves on the worship team with sixstepsrecords labelmates Chris Tomlin and Kristian Stanfill. The following year, Nockels released her acclaimed solo debut, Life Light Up and spent much of the next two years touring with Tomlin and Passion. The collection showcased Christy's warm, passionate voice and vulnerable, intuitive songwriting.

Those gifts continue to anchor Into the Glorious. Produced by husband, Nathan, the album's pristine, understated production places the focus on Christy's incredible voice at the focus. Well-respected in the industry as a "singer's singer," she has a gift for imbuing each lyric with an authenticity and emotional integrity that resonates with the listener. In fact, Nockels feels she's connected more profoundly to the songs on Into the Glorious.

As she wrote she bathed the songs in prayer, and found herself being touched in a unique way. "Hearing everything come to fruition it's been so powerful to me and I just keep praying," she says. "As soon as each song ends, I'd say, ‘Jesus, please do this in people's hearts. Do this in people's lives, continue to do that in my life.' These songs have continued to minister to my own life. It's truth that I want to keep believing myself. For artists, it's so easy for us to pray and sing it over other people, but I think it's huge when you stand on stage and you can say, ‘I believe this for myself too.' That's really what happened for me and it's been really incredible. Not that I've not believed things that I've sung in the past, it's just that I'm all the more sensitive and that's all heightened in my heart, just believing it for myself, believing the truth for myself and then just believing that God is going to do these things in people's lives."

Christy Nockels: Into the glorious
Solo statt "Watermark"

Christy Nockels ist Jahrgang 1973, verheiratet mit Nathan Nockels und hat drei Kinder. Nathan ist auch gleichzeitig Christys Produzent. Bekannt wurden die beiden mit ihrer Band Watermark. Seit 2009 ist Christy Nockels musikalisch solo unterwegs. “Into the glorious“ ist ihr zweites Album.
Lieder schreiben - ein Familienunternehmen

Christiy Nockels hat zu Beginn der Arbeiten am neuen Album beschlossen, die Sache mit ihren drei Kindern zu besprechen. Sie beorderte sie alle in die Küche. Die drei dachten sie hätten etwas ausgefressen und jetzt würde es ordentlich Ärger geben. Aber nein: Christy Nockels, sagte, sie wolle 12 Lieder schreiben und fragte die Kinder, wie sie ihr dabei helfen könnten. Die Antwort kam promt – von der Kleinsten: „Wir können lieb zu einander sein.“ Und damit war „Into the glorious“ ein Familienprojekt.

Die Sache mit der CD war schon irgendwie eine schwere Geburt. 2010 wollte Sie diese CD machen, aber sämtliche Umstände waren gegen Christy Nockels. So, dass sie schließlich im Jahr 2011 beschloss einfach zu warten. In dieser Wartezeit erlebte sie Gott sehr persönlich. Sie lernte in drei Monaten, dass es nicht darauf ankommt, was sie tut, sondern wer sie ist. Künstler haben es da natürlich besonders schwer, weil sie sich sehr schnell über das definieren was sie tun.

Dann aber sprudelten die Songideen nur so aus ihr heraus. Der Titel der CD wurde geboren: “Into the glorious”- in der Herrlichkeit Gottes. Die, so hat Christy Nockels gelernt, ist immer und überall, weil Gott überall ist. Die Sängerin hat es daran gespürt, dass ihr die Songideen immer und überall wo sie war einfach nur so einfielen.
Into the glorious - "Ever lifitng"

Der Titel beschreibt das Gefühl des Liedes schon sehr treffend. Es ist ein fröhlicher uplifting Song – ein Lied, das die Stimmung hebt. Christy Nockels hat zu den Lyrics im Booklet einen Bibelvers geschrieben: Psalm 18,33: „Gott allein gibt mir Kraft zum Kämpfen und ebnet mir meinen Weg.“ Das sagt König David, Christy Nockels hat es in Musik verpackt.
Into the glorious - "Wonderful"

Die meisten Lieder ihres Albums hat Christy Nockels im Auto geschrieben. Das Auto - ein Ort an dem man Gott begegnen kann? Oh ja. Das Lied "Wonderful" ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür. Das hat Christy Nockels auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt und zurück nach Hause geschrieben. Und darin sogar noch eine wirklich brauchbare Einladung an den Hörer mit eingebaut: "Richte deine Gedanken auf das Schöne aus, jeden Tag, dein Herz auf das wundervolle jeden Tag und lasse dein Leben von etwas Prächtigem umgeben sein." Von Jesus.

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Posted by: Daniel Ioan Notar *DJ_DANY*

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