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Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

My autobiography, I found the faith " " My autobiography, as I was to believe " " ABOUT ME" & "My autobiography, how I found to the faith"

My autobiography, I found the faith " " My autobiography, as I was to believe "

" ABOUT ME" & "My autobiography, how I found to the faith"

"I am a Gipsy and I am proud to be a Gipsy."
"God has chosen himself what is nothing in the world, on that he those who are something
makes disgraces. (1 Korinther, 1.27)"
My name is Daniel, I am 34 years old and was born in the 9/10/1976 in Hunedoara in Romania. I have in Hetiur, a village near the city of Sighisoara in the district of Mures lived. My parents are divorced since my childhood. Then I was also brought up by my grandparents. My father lives together since then with another woman with whom he has 1 child. Some years later my mother converted and prayed from now on for me. She lives yet always in Romania and serves man.
When I was in 7.ten class, I have come once to a fight. Another boy had hit me with the fist in the stomach and this hurt very much. I defended myself again and hit him with the fist in the face and completely on the nose and then the boy fell down unconscious. He probably did not get up approx. 8-10 minutes again. I had got a fright so much at it and thought, I have killed him. I was paralyzed as and could hardly move.
The boy was revived by other schoolboys, Finally, he got up. However, there I was made easier more than and thanked and praised God that I had not killed him.
I went after 8.ten class of the school and did not want to make the 9.Te any more because I wanted to earn money. I lied to my mother and told, I have not created the exam for the 9.Te class and thus I went to the work, while my school colleagues went to school and earned money. Later it was not easy any more to visit the school and thus I always work, but thereby it is not also so simply in the professional life.
Immediately after the revolution many believers came to Romania. Came to our village
many missionaries from America, so that also I was invited to take part in her meetings. But I said them that I did not like to come because I am a young man and would like to live my life differently. I loved the worldly life and became Dj in different Roumanian discotheques. This was my life. I remember, as a youngster I also was once on a very big party and we came to a fight, so that the police was got. They asked us for our passports and I lied to them because I was afraid, I called a false name and a wrong address. After 3 months my lie came out, the policemen found me. And then they hit me, this was permitted with us in Romania. I asked for forgiveness and wanted to give alcohol and money to the policemen as a compensation, but they did not accept it. There remained with the blows of the policemen and then they released me.

After some time, nevertheless, I went to her meeting. I gave the hand men, as well as women to all American believers.
With us in the family nobody was religious. My mother was the first and she often asked me, nevertheless, I should also come to the meeting. But I did not want because I was too young and wanted to enjoy my life.
Then, nevertheless, I went along to the meetings, besides, I got as a gift from the Americans also a Bible, I read in it, however, understood generally nothing.
One evening after approx. 4-5 months a sermon reached me. The preacher gave a deep message and asked in the end who would like to convert, that is from his chair on around God the honour to give. I did this and converted, came immediately a big joy to my heart which I did not know till then. I became a happy person and I converted to God as the biggest sinner from Romania.
On the 2nd day I started to tell on the work my colleague about my conversion.
Everybody laughed at me and made fun and blasphemed behind my back. In the break I always read the Bible. And thus I strengthened myself in the 'faith. Then I read in (Jakobus1 1 - 4: Brothers it strives for pure joy if you get in challenge, know then that your faith if he is checked patience works on which you are perfect thus to her in the challenge endure.) This word came true on my job: I remember that the other colleagues to me laid porn maps, alcohol bottles and empty cigarette packaging in my pocket in the breaks. They laughed to themselves broken at me and I said nothing at all. I loved Christ more and held for joy to be treated with hostility.
After I had converted, I wanted to break off with all worldly and took all music cassettes and records; worldly literature and films including the television
together: Then I made with myself in the garden a big fire and burnt everything to live then this wasted time in future for man:

After my conversion to Jesus Christ as a youngster I had the same fights as they all have youngsters with the sexuality. I did not want to sadden the mind of God in my heart. Whenever I saw a weakly dressed girl on the street, I lowered the head down and started to deal with other things not to sin. (As well as it also did David, he wanted to declare nothing bad person before his eyes). And thus I got victory over the challenge.
(It is late who endures the challenge, because after it was endured we will attain the crown of the life.)

At the age of 17 years I became with myself in the village a preacher in our municipality, and there I can be christened and this was a nice time. We had every Sunday morning and in the evening meeting in our municipality. During the week we met every morning at 5.00 o'clock by the prayer hour. I got up every morning at 4.00 o'clock and then went for the morning prayer. While I went to the meeting, I mostly met youngsters at my age, they were got drunk or enjoyed themselves with the girls and shouted at me because I had the Bible in the hand. I saw the young people like they itself with each other amused, however, I did not want to look, because I remembered the Bible verse, I leave nothing sinful before my eyes, and looked away to escape from the desires of the youth.

With the prayer hours I was often dog-tired and even sometimes fell asleep. Then the other believers woke me. Nevertheless, after the prayer I went strengthened to the work. God has refreshed me.
Also at the age of 17 years I made for other marriage-willing youngsters a Bible study than preparation 0in our meetings held. However, they refused and did not want. Thus I became the househusband: I cleaned, wipe, hoover and everything and from 10ten part for man we slowly started building own assembly room and there I was used later than preacher.
For the sermons I always well prepared. A 2-hour sermon zb. was prepared by me approx. 8 hours. I read the Bible and used Christian books to better understanding at my table; to make to me notes to the sermon. Before every sermon I knelt down before the speaker's writing desk, prayed and asked God for words and wisdom for the sermon. Thus I completely became of the love and goodness of God.

I needed no friends, world love etc.: My joy was man. There also came other people; to hear the sermons.
In 1999 I worked in a company which worked on scrap iron. My boss was very contented with me because I was punctual and reliable and did not smoke. And everything what he gave me to works, acted I and, besides, he knew that I was a Christian, but he said nothing against the faith he separate was beindruckt from me. In the same company worked an adventist (7-days adventist's municipality). Differences of opinion were sometimes because of the faith between us. He had family and was a chauffeur in the company. But one did not notice that he was religious. He cursed and often behaved badly. Often if he on the way was by the company car he took the women of the street and had a good time with them. Once we have worked directly beside his house. And then I saw like one of his children a sex newspaper in the house found and with it fast to his mother has run. At the midday he has invited all employees to himself home. We ate together and then there came his woman with this sex newspaper and threw them on the table and said to us: See sometimes my dear men what man I have. Then he was ashamed. I liked my boss very well. And one day he appealed to me because of the faith. He wanted with pleasure that I make the driving licence for the truck to become the driver for the company
I remember that I have made a lot of mission on the street in the time. And sometimes I also distributed small Bible for prison inmates. I distributed many treatises. My biggest wish, nevertheless, was to leave as a missionary because I have understood thus the Gospel that we should go to the world to preach the Gospel. (Jesus Christ, says in the holy writing: Go there to all world and preach the Gospel of all world who believes and is christened should be saved who does not believe, however, will be lost. (Markus 16.16) I distributed many treatises in different towns in coach and road with the stamp of our municipality. Later our municipality got several letters of people who had appealed to these treatises read and as a result, thoughtfully or had done even a decision for Christ. For it is to Mr. Lob and thanks.
Because the Americans have put a lot of money in Christian literature UndTraktate, I acted this service further. But with us in Romania the people also are more openly for the Gospel, conditioned by the big poverty. Unfortunately, in western countries, like, e.g., Germany this is different. With us in the churches the preachers come partly with wellingtons of the work and they have no money for normal street shoes. This is poverty, but they search God.
I further remember that I was on the move with myself in the village and in the afterwards bigger town with a list. I went from house to house and told the person about Jesus Christ. If somebody was not at home, I made on the list a sign, so that I went then once again there.
In our village an orthodox priest also lived. Also to him I wanted to transmit the love of God by Jesus, man would also demand his blood of my hand, it stands written. When I rang with him and told him about my conversion, he became more and more furious and said me, he is a theologian and is a scribe with study. I was only a poor young man who became by Christ richly in the heart and the priest threw me. All neighbours saw this. And then he still shouted behind me, I am from a sect. He warned all the other neighbours who are orthodox for the most part that they should go only not to our sect.
This also recurred in other towns and villages. The orthodox priests were the worst enemies. They keep the people from coming to the faith and blow to one the Bible and become even violent. But, nevertheless, some have found to the faith.
A day as I was together with an American brother while distributing the treatises and the Christian literature, among the rest, we also met a policeman. We also gave him a small Bible and told about the love of God. But he got excited dreadfully, why we have given him a Bible and a box on the ears and the brother hit to the American brother the other cheek also offered him, because thus it stands written. We owed God for the box on the ears and the problems and temptations and went on happily. One does not come to the sky with flowers if other have sacrificed themselves, one says in a song.
Unfortunately, I was also defeated of the more often by the challenge and temptation. I wanted to be for other no impulse to the sin, as a preacher. But I was young and not married. Thus I remember that I was also not married myself once to another American preacher, and also got in sexual challenge, took a floor and his meat hit, only not to sin. Thus I also wanted to do it. Since I was in the first love to Christ and caught to my meat in the same way to punish if the challenge and temptation came, only not to sin.
Once I have spoken with an ecclesiastical brother of my sexual problem and to him my sins kekannt. Then we have prayed and then he has told everything in a sermon and the people have had a good time not recognised in the light of God and to themselves about me and thus I was completely depressed and more and more melancholically and was closed.

As a youngster I worked in a tailoring. There shirts were sewn. Everybody sat in a machine and made parts for the shirts. One the sleeves, one the collars and one the fronts and backs.
There worked almost only women, approx. 300, I was the einzigste man between the whole women and also sewed my parts in chord. Otherwise, as an Einzigster man, it only some engineers were occupied for the electricity there.
When man alone and does not marry and a Christian sat I between the whole women and they talked the whole day only about the subject Sex. Many girls wanted with pleasure that I should be her friend. But I did not want. A woman beside me, often told me about her problems with her man and her family. She brought me every morning a glass of juice with on the work and wanted to separate from her man and marry me. But I did not want this. Thus I had to endure many challenges, but I also got the victory. The word of God teaches us that we should have no community with the unbelievers and also should not marry unbelievers. And this was my position.
New Year's Eves we were invited by the company to the celebration. We went everybody there. I drew a nice suit, and also went. Everybody was already gathered when I have entered. Then the colleagues looked at me and wanted that I sit with you. I sat down beside them and everybody offered something to me from her cake. Then there was a big party. Then the girls wanted to dance everybody with me: I wanted not at all: But they pushed me to me gave way. I danced with you and then I had big moral conflicts, because as a missionary and preacher I knew that the sin was.
In our town there was a Christian library. I often went there, lent books and cassettes and brought back this afterwards. I also bought some books and cassettes. I read many reports of missionaries and also a book of Hudson to taler which was a missionary in China: His book became to me the blessing and I got the burning wish to go to the mission to China. I renounced ones fell on good food and other wishes to supply myself ecclesiastically with these books and also which to buy: As a preacher and Christian I had hunger according to God's word and read the Bible and lived ecclesiastically on these books.

I often prayed to God that he may give me a woman by his will with whom I could serve man. Even if she comes of another country that we become acquainted. And I also prayed that God may still send other missionaries with whom I can transmit the Gospel.
One day some colleagues went during the break on the market to buy food. When they came back told them to me that they have seen at the market a group with guitars which sing about the faith. I thought immediately that the missionaries are and went to look. It was actual in such a way. I went, found the group singing with guitar. They were no Rumanians, but invited to an Evangelisation in the hothouse. I talked to the Roumanian translator and went to the Evangelisation. After the sermon I talked to the preacher and his translator and told him that I pray for a long time for missionaries and am ready everything to let to go to the mission. Then the preacher said me, you are the man whom we search.
Later then from 1999 to 2002 I have moved together with my mother with this group from Germany through Romania of town to town to make mission and to testify the person of Jesus Christ. For it we have rented our house for some time and have taken vacation. In August, 2002 I have married the German Roumanian translator for the German mission group in the city of Sibiu. We have worked 2 years with each other and then have fallen in love very much. Though my woman is 9 years older than me, but this has done no obstacle to our love. Importantly for me are the feelings. She is already riper in the faith and this has also sometimes helped me. Then we have moved to Germany and have got together 2 children. We have had till this day also big fights and difficulties, but we try to solve everything with God's help.

Then later I have gone like the lost son to the world. I have turned away from God. In my town in Germany where I lives many Rumanians do not live and, nevertheless, thus I sometimes felt foreign, although my family loved me very much, but these were foreign countries. We lived together like a religious family and also visited services. My woman remained with the faith because this were her hold and her luck. Later we bought to ourselves a computer and took also Internet in addition. Thereby I have slided very much. I searched many Roumanian chat friends for myself and spent my free time only before the PC. I became addicted from chatting. My family suffered very much. They had to make everybody without me. I had a good time while chatting and mine hobby present.
On Internet I became a radiopresenter for world music and disco music. I was known with several German radio stations by the Internet. I may make from nature with pleasure all people happy. But my own luck had left me. All the same as it went for me, central issue it goes well to the other people. For my Internet radio I did everything in my spare time. I collected information about stars and worked only for this Internet radio that all world listens with interest
At the beginning I had presented radioprogrammes together with other Germans. There I have learnt a lot and then made myself with my own radioprogramme independent. I had contracts with other music companies with which I legally music bought for approx. 3 years. I invested a lot of money in my radio station. I bought more and more computer with the newest technologies to myself to be so always on the newest and technical state with the whole world. Mostly the writing of the autobiographies of the singers gave to me pleasure and the translated by the Internet into other languages. I wrote the biographies of the most popular stars of the modern music scene, as for example DJ_Tiesto,LADY GAGA, RIHANNA, DEEPCENTRAL, EMINEM, , David Guetta, MEDINA , Edward Maya, Vika Jigulina, DJ Project, Akcent, Inna, Dj Sava,etc.

At that time my music taste was, disco fox terrier a music, hit Oldie, hardcore Techno, House Music, top 20, TOP VIVA 100, revolution new beginner German top 100 single charts.
Today I remember where Salomo said in the Bible: Everything is quite futile and catching at wind.
But the music was always the biggest temptation in my religious life. I did not smoke, I did not drink, I took no drugs and also had no women's stories, but the music often became to me the disaster in the religious life. It was like a power which wanted to control me. I have often liked i m of faith, or was contested too much because me the worldly music had pulled thus and brought me there where the music wanted to the case. If I was on the work and on the radio a song played they asked me who sings this. I knew virtually everybody and also knew I the autobiography of the interpreter. Everybody was surprised that I knew it better than they as a Rumanian. They asked me also from which country I come and then I answered: From Romania. And then they shouted: Oh, how Peter Maffay.
Yes so my life, more and more on the worldly and the music was aimed. Star and glitter, this was my world.
However, Jesus Christ has talked again anew to me. And I have decided anew on Him and now would like to act with my Radiosendung:Radio elshaday, for Christ as a presenter. Now I am a DJ and missionary for Mr. Jesus:
I live in Germany and would like to stay here with pleasure because I like it.
. I have got on in the letzen time not so well with my woman, we have separated and now I live and live completely alone for 4-5 years in Germany. This is not so easy, only God's mercy..... His mercy added to me the determination and the strength. On Internet I have got to know many women whom meetings often want to have, but I would not want this, I write them should lose no time because I am married and have children and it is not to be had surely then another woman about the Bible if one liked to live afterwards and I would want this.
Man, opens the eyes to me, make far my look and my interest,
so that I can see what I do not recognise yet.
Man, opens the ears to me, draw the attention of me light dependent and, with it
I can hear what I do not understand yet.
Man, present yourselves to me a trusting heart, to your word and yours
Loyalty leaves and dares to act what has not done it yet.
Man, I know that I only live if I call me from you and
allows to change. Amen.
Willi Lambert
What I have learnt: Since then I alone live I may make with pleasure order. Before this was not the case. My woman had often complained of my mess, but to me this made no difference. But now I have understood that God a God, to the order and discipline is liked and this is why I would also like to keep order.


Fields of work:
Craftsman, joiner, industry, production

Specific features:
I have started to make a donation blood and plasma to be a help in hope other people.

"Designer MISIONAR, graphic artist, photographer. DJ, radio presenter, with several German Internet radio station. Specialist IT / software developer, music producer"
Please me of course about your news.
If her questions have, asks only!!

dear one greets LG Dany
Many thanks for your visit



"SOBRE MIM" A minha autobiografia, como encontrei à fé" "A minha autobiografia, como encontrei à fé"


"SU ME" La mia autobiografia, come trovai alla fede" "La mia autobiografia, come trovai alla fede"


" ОБО МНЕ" Моя автобиография, как я находил к вере" "Мою автобиографию, как я находил к вере"


" ABOUT ME" My autobiography, how I found to the faith" "My autobiography, how I found to the faith"


" SUR MOI" Mon curriculum vitae, comme je trouvais à la foi" "Mon curriculum vitae, comme je trouvais à la foi"


" SOBRE MÍ" Mi autobiografía cómo encontraba a la creencia" "Mi autobiografía cómo encontraba a la creencia"



" ÜBER MICH " Meine Autobiographie, wie ich zum Glauben fand" "Meine Autobiographie, wie ich zum Glauben fand" "Ich bin Zigeuner und ich bin stolz

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Posted by: Daniel Ioan Notar *DJ_DANY* ( ADMIN )

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