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Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

Fotos,VIDEO;POZE;VIDEO Edward Maya's Biography & News, Bilder & Fotos,VIDEO;POZE;VIDEO

Edward Maya's Biography & News, Bilder & Fotos,VIDEO;POZE;VIDEO

Eduard Marian Ilie is the name behind the Stereo Love hit maker known as Edward Maya, also a producer, songwriter, performer and DJ. He graduated the music school "George Enescu" (Bucharest) and is currently in his final year at the Conservatory (Bucharest).

He started his career by collaborating with almost every famous producer in Bucharest, but it actually took off when he signed on to produce AKCENT's album "No Tears" which included hits like "Stay with Me", "That's My Name" and "Lover's Cry".

His next project was a collaboration between composer Eldar Mansurov from Azerbaijan and the Russian DJ Vika Jigulina, the two people that helped him create the smash hit "Stereo Love". Not only known as the single that promoted Edward Maya all over the world, but also the single Romania should be proud of, because it is the only romanian song that has more than 70 million views on Youtube in less than 8 months. It also revolutionized the club zone when quickly becaming the hymn of all the parties and clubs. It is important to mention that "Stereo Love" also made it to Billboard top five, as a result of the tremendous number of shows Edward Maya had in countries where Romanian music was still unknown: Brasil, Senegal, Dubai, Albania and other countries.

" This is My Life", the second single quickly became another hit just because it brought something very special and new: a new sound together with a new beat, a new feeling, another love and of course a lot more fans!

The summer is here and fans all over the world expect something new. Currently he is working on his third single " Desert Rain" and promises it will be another hit! Besides working in the studio, mixing and touring he found time to make his own record label "Mayavin Records" in order to produce another young talented people just like himself. "Mayavin Records" is a part of "Mayavin Holding" which includes a music label, a booking agency and an online music store where you can find every song Edward Maya has released and worked on."

Dim lights Embed

Dim lights Embed
Eduard Marian Ilie (born June 29, 1986), better known by his stage name Edward Maya, is a singer-songwriter,and record producer. Edward Maya is a whole musical package (producer, performer, composer, musician) of Romania. He finished high school music George Enescu in Bucharest, Romania. He is currently in final year student at the Conservator of music, at only 19 years makes with E. Carcota a song by the size of Europe for well-known Eurovision contest, directly on 4 place (Michael Treistariu - Tornero). After this experience he started working with Romanian artists like (Akcent, Costi Ionita, Vika Jigulina, Cassa Loco, Studio One, Dj Rynno, Dj Sava, Marius Nedelcu, BlaxyGirls, Imba).In 2008 he produced the album “Fara Lacrimi” that helped relaunch the band Akcent, with songs like “Stay with me”, “That’s my name” and “Lover’s cry” that are succesful in Europe.The year 2009 brought a surprise on the Romanian musical market, the first song “Stereo Love” signed by Edward Maya as a producer and artist quickly becoming a real hit in clubbing places all over the world. The incredible success of ”Stereo love” was followed by concerts worldwide, the song reaching the pop charts in Greece, Dubai, Russia, France, Albania, Lebanon, Armenia, Portugal, Poland, The Netherlands, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Turkey, etc.

Der Musiker, Produzent und Discjockey Edward Maya erblickte am 29.06.1986 in Bukarest (Rumänien) unter dem bürgerlichen Namen Eduard Marian Illie das Licht der Welt. Er besuchte die dortige George Enescu Musikhochschule und studierte im Anschluss an der Nationalen Musikuniversität in der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest klassische Musik.

Im Jahre 2006 schrieb er für Mihai Trăistariu den Titel "Tornero" mit dem dieser den rumänischen Vorentscheid zum Eurovision Song Contest gewinnen und beim eigentlichen Wettbewerb dann überraschend bis auf die vierte Position vorrücken konnte. In der Folge war Edward Maya für viele andere rumänische Künstler als Produzent oder Komponist tätig, dazu gehörten unter anderem Costi Ioniţă, Akcent, Marius Nedelcu, Blaxy Girls.

Am 19.10.2009 erschien schließlich die eigene Debütsingle "Stereo Love". Diese ging steil nach oben in den rumänischen Charts und landete in der Folge sogar auf der zweiten Position. Nachdem der Titel Maya in den europäischen Clubs und Diskotheken bekannt gemacht hatte, schaffte Edward damit auch in vielen anderen Ländern den Sprung in die offiziellen Charts. In der Tschechischen Republik, in Finnland, Frankreich, Ungarn, Norwegen, Spanien, Schweden, den Niederlanden und auch einigen anderen Ländern standen Spitzenplatzierungen zu Buche. In Deutschland erreichte die Single als beste Poition "lediglich" den vierten Platz.

Es folgten weltweite Auftritte für den rumänischen Musiker. Auf Youtube erreichte Edward Maya mit "Stereo Love" über 60 Millionen Blickkontakte. In Belgien erreichte die Single Gold- und in der Schweiz sogar Platin-Status. Dank der eingängigen Melodie und dem Einsatz ungewöhnlicher Intruemente wie Akkordeon oder Bouzouki schaffte der Titel es, sich ins Gedächtnis vieler Leute zu brennen und stürmte weltweit die Dance-Charts.

Vika Jigulina Biography - Professional Life

Vika Jigulina is a music producer, a DJ...she is vocal and even artist. Well, Vika got famous for it's recently album with Edward Maya called Stereo Love, in a music with the same name of the album that was the first solo from Edward Maya.

Stereo Love made Vika Jigulina famous and worldwide known. Many people use to ask why? Well the question would be the same if we ask: "Why did Stereo Love became famous?". Mainly we can point the quality of the music and the experience of Edward Maya. The year 2009 brought a surprise on the musical market in Romania, these were the first songs on which Edward Maya was the producer and artist, Stereo Love, fast becoming some real hits in the world club sites. Vika Jigulina as vocalist added a lot of quality to the music with her nice voice, soft and intense at the same time.

Stereo Love became famous and Vika Jigulina too. But who's Vika besides vocalist?

Vika Jigulina born in Moscow and graduated in the "Rahmaninov”, a school of music.She started studying in 2000 in Timisoara.

Vika had an huge experience in mixing in several local clubs after her studis. Then, she went to Discoland, Timisiora. She used to appear in several parties, discos, etc in Romania and to too many solicitant roads she decided to move to Bucharest.

Right now she is a weekly presence at radio DEEA, who allowed Vika to become popular at national levels. Her popularity increased with her weekly show at radio VIBE FM.

Here are some of Vika Jigulinas' shows:

-Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party

-Liberty Parade 2007

-"I Love Music Tour'' mixed in the biggest romanian clubs

-2006 and 2007 House Parade

Vika mixed with Steve Murrano, with ATB, Tom Craft, DJ DOX, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso and other romanian artists.

Stereo Love with Edward Maya is actually her highest level in her career.

Right now, 2010 - Vika Jigulina is promoting her new single with...guess who? Edward Maya, called "This is My Life" following the same rhythm of "Stereo Love".

At the same time Vika is trying to mark her presence on the internet, having her own Facebook, Youtube and twitter account. She will release very soon her very own website

Vika Jigulina,

geboren in Moskau, ist Musikproduzentin, DJane und Sängerin. Sie machte einen Abschluss an der „Rahmaninov“ Musikschule in Moldavien und nahm anschließend 2000 ihr Studium in Timisoara, Rumänien, auf. Ihr weiterer Weg führte sie nach Bukarest, wo sie mit Hilfe des Radiosenders DEEA und damit verbunden einer Vielzahl an Auftritten, nationale Popularität erlangte.

Heute ist sie regelmäßig in der wöchentlichen Show von Radio VIBE FM zu hören. Ihre größten Erfolge feierte sie mit: Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party - 2008; Liberty Parade 2007 und „I Love Music“ – The Tour. Sie hat in den größten Clubs des Landes aufgelegt und stand unter anderem mit Steve Murrano, Tom Craft, ATB, DJ Dox, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello und vielen anderen bekannten DJs hinter den Plattentellern.

Edward Maya

ist ein musikalisches Komplettpaket: er ist Produzent, Darsteller, Komponist und Musiker. Seine Heimat ist Rumänien, dort besuchte er die „George
Enescu“ Musikschule in Bukarest und ist zurzeit Student im Abschlussjahrgang an der National University of Music.

2008 produzierte er ein Album mit der Band „Akcent“, das mit Hits wie „Stay With Me“, „That´s My Name“ und „Lover´s Cry“ international bekannt wurde.


Os músicos da Romênia não têm muita tradição no cenário pop mundial. Porém, um nome mudou tudo isso: Edward Marian Ilie, mais conhecido como Edward Maya.

Formado na escola de música George Enescu, na capital Bucareste, Maya sempre se mostrou interessado na arte musical. Ele até integrou o Conservatório de Bucareste.

Antes de lançar seu próprio single, o produtor, compositor e músico trabalho com vários artistas romenos, como Akcent, Vika Jigulinam Cassa Loco, DJ Sava e Marius Nedelcu. Em 2008, a banda Akcent lançou três músicas que estouraram no país. Todas contaram com a produção de Edward Maya.

No ano de 2009, Maya surpreendeu a todos quando lançou seu primeiro single. E a surpresa foi boa. ?Stereo Love?, de cara, dominou as pistas européias e logo em seguida foi a vez do mundo inteiro conhecer o talentoso Edward Maya.

Biografie Edward Maya

Genuri muzicale: Dance

Artisti similari: Dan Balan, Blondy (Andreea Banica), DJ Project, Morandi,
Edward Maya, pe numele sau adevarat, Eduard Adrian Ilie, s-a nascut pe data de 29 iunie 1986 in Bucuresti. A devenit cunoscut publicului in calitate de autor al marilor hituri europene semnate de trupa Akcent.

Este compozitor, producator si interpret, absolvent al Liceului de muzica George Enescu si licentiat al Conservatorul din Bucuresti.

Pe cand avea numai 19 ani, Maya a compus un cantec cu Eduard Carcota pentru editia din 2006 a Concursului Eurovision. Este vorba despre hitul `Tornero`, cu care Mihai Traistariu a castigat locul IV la finalul competitiei.

Acest mare succes a fost doar inceputul unei perioade foarte incarcate pentru Eduard, care a inceput colaborari cu diversi artisti cunoscuti peste granite: Akcent, Costi Ionita, Vika Jigulina, Cassa Loco, Studio One, Dj Rynno, Dj Sava, Marius Nedelcu, Blaxy Girls, Imba.

In 2008 a produs al doilea album al trupei Akcent care a ajuns in varfurile topurilor de vanzari europene, fiind autor al hiturilor Stay With Me, That's My Name si Lover's Cry. In acelasi an a aparut si piesa Stereo Love, primul single de solist al lui Edward Maya.

Single-ul s-a bucurat de un succes urias in Romania, pentru ca in 2009 sa fie lansata la nivel international. Stereo Love a ajuns in clasamentele din intreaga lume, precum: Grecia, Dubai, Rusia, Franta, Albania, Liban, Armenia, Portugalia, Polonia, Olanda, Egipt, Spania, Italia, Turcia si Anglia.

Stereo Love a reusit sa adune si peste 40 de milioane de vizualizari pe YouTube, in aproximativ 8 luni de zile....

Vika Jigulina,

geboren in Moskau, ist Musikproduzentin, DJane und Sängerin. Sie machte einen Abschluss an der "Rahmaninov" Musikschule in Moldavien und nahm anschließend 2000 ihr Studium in Timisoara, Rumänien, auf. Ihr weiterer Weg führte sie nach Bukarest, wo sie mit Hilfe des Radiosenders DEEA und damit verbunden einer Vielzahl an Auftritten, nationale Popularität erlangte.

Heute ist sie regelmäßig in der wöchentlichen Show von Radio VIBE FM zu hören. Ihre größten Erfolge feierte sie mit: Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party - 2008; Liberty Parade 2007 und "I Love Music" – The Tour. Sie hat in den größten Clubs des Landes aufgelegt und stand unter anderem mit Steve Murrano, Tom Craft, ATB, DJ Dox, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello und vielen anderen bekannten DJs hinter den Plattentellern.

Edward Maya

ist ein musikalisches Komplettpaket: er ist Produzent, Darsteller, Komponist und Musiker. Seine Heimat ist Rumänien, dort besuchte er die "George
Enescu" Musikschule in Bukarest und ist zurzeit Student im Abschlussjahrgang an der National University of Music.

2008 produzierte er ein Album mit der Band "Akcent", das mit Hits wie "Stay With Me", "That´s My Name" und "Lover´s Cry" international bekannt wurde.

Eduard Marian Ilie is the name behind the Stereo Love hit maker known as Edward Maya, also a producer, songwriter, performer and DJ. He graduated the music school "George Enescu" (Bucharest) and is currently in his final year at the Conservatory (Bucharest).

He started his career by collaborating with almost every famous producer in Bucharest, but it actually took off when he signed on to produce AKCENT's album "No Tears" which included hits like "Stay with Me", "That's My Name" and "Lover's Cry".

His next project was a collaboration between composer Eldar Mansurov from Azerbaijan and the Russian DJ Vika Jigulina, the two people that helped him create the smash hit "Stereo Love". Not only known as the single that promoted Edward Maya all over the world, but also the single Romania should be proud of, because it is the only romanian song that has more than 70 million views on Youtube in less than 8 months. It also revolutionized the club zone when quickly becaming the hymn of all the parties and clubs. It is important to mention that "Stereo Love" also made it to Billboard top five, as a result of the tremendous number of shows Edward Maya had in countries where Romanian music was still unknown: Brasil, Senegal, Dubai, Albania and other countries.

" This is My Life", the second single quickly became another hit just because it brought something very special and new: a new sound together with a new beat, a new feeling, another love and of course a lot more fans!

The summer is here and fans all over the world expect something new. Currently he is working on his third single " Desert Rain" and promises it will be another hit! Besides working in the studio, mixing and touring he found time to make his own record label "Mayavin Records" in order to produce another young talented people just like himself. "Mayavin Records" is a part of "Mayavin Holding" which includes a music label, a booking agency and an online music store where you can find every song Edward Maya has released and worked on."

Dim lights Embed

Dim lights Embed
Eduard Marian Ilie (born June 29, 1986), better known by his stage name Edward Maya, is a singer-songwriter,and record producer. Edward Maya is a whole musical package (producer, performer, composer, musician) of Romania. He finished high school music George Enescu in Bucharest, Romania. He is currently in final year student at the Conservator of music, at only 19 years makes with E. Carcota a song by the size of Europe for well-known Eurovision contest, directly on 4 place (Michael Treistariu - Tornero). After this experience he started working with Romanian artists like (Akcent, Costi Ionita, Vika Jigulina, Cassa Loco, Studio One, Dj Rynno, Dj Sava, Marius Nedelcu, BlaxyGirls, Imba).In 2008 he produced the album “Fara Lacrimi” that helped relaunch the band Akcent, with songs like “Stay with me”, “That’s my name” and “Lover’s cry” that are succesful in Europe.The year 2009 brought a surprise on the Romanian musical market, the first song “Stereo Love” signed by Edward Maya as a producer and artist quickly becoming a real hit in clubbing places all over the world. The incredible success of ”Stereo love” was followed by concerts worldwide, the song reaching the pop charts in Greece, Dubai, Russia, France, Albania, Lebanon, Armenia, Portugal, Poland, The Netherlands, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Turkey, etc.

Der Musiker, Produzent und Discjockey Edward Maya erblickte am 29.06.1986 in Bukarest (Rumänien) unter dem bürgerlichen Namen Eduard Marian Illie das Licht der Welt. Er besuchte die dortige George Enescu Musikhochschule und studierte im Anschluss an der Nationalen Musikuniversität in der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest klassische Musik.

Im Jahre 2006 schrieb er für Mihai Trăistariu den Titel "Tornero" mit dem dieser den rumänischen Vorentscheid zum Eurovision Song Contest gewinnen und beim eigentlichen Wettbewerb dann überraschend bis auf die vierte Position vorrücken konnte. In der Folge war Edward Maya für viele andere rumänische Künstler als Produzent oder Komponist tätig, dazu gehörten unter anderem Costi Ioniţă, Akcent, Marius Nedelcu, Blaxy Girls.

Am 19.10.2009 erschien schließlich die eigene Debütsingle "Stereo Love". Diese ging steil nach oben in den rumänischen Charts und landete in der Folge sogar auf der zweiten Position. Nachdem der Titel Maya in den europäischen Clubs und Diskotheken bekannt gemacht hatte, schaffte Edward damit auch in vielen anderen Ländern den Sprung in die offiziellen Charts. In der Tschechischen Republik, in Finnland, Frankreich, Ungarn, Norwegen, Spanien, Schweden, den Niederlanden und auch einigen anderen Ländern standen Spitzenplatzierungen zu Buche. In Deutschland erreichte die Single als beste Poition "lediglich" den vierten Platz.

Es folgten weltweite Auftritte für den rumänischen Musiker. Auf Youtube erreichte Edward Maya mit "Stereo Love" über 60 Millionen Blickkontakte. In Belgien erreichte die Single Gold- und in der Schweiz sogar Platin-Status. Dank der eingängigen Melodie und dem Einsatz ungewöhnlicher Intruemente wie Akkordeon oder Bouzouki schaffte der Titel es, sich ins Gedächtnis vieler Leute zu brennen und stürmte weltweit die Dance-Charts.

Vika Jigulina Biography - Professional Life

Vika Jigulina is a music producer, a DJ...she is vocal and even artist. Well, Vika got famous for it's recently album with Edward Maya called Stereo Love, in a music with the same name of the album that was the first solo from Edward Maya.

Stereo Love made Vika Jigulina famous and worldwide known. Many people use to ask why? Well the question would be the same if we ask: "Why did Stereo Love became famous?". Mainly we can point the quality of the music and the experience of Edward Maya. The year 2009 brought a surprise on the musical market in Romania, these were the first songs on which Edward Maya was the producer and artist, Stereo Love, fast becoming some real hits in the world club sites. Vika Jigulina as vocalist added a lot of quality to the music with her nice voice, soft and intense at the same time.

Stereo Love became famous and Vika Jigulina too. But who's Vika besides vocalist?

Vika Jigulina born in Moscow and graduated in the "Rahmaninov”, a school of music.She started studying in 2000 in Timisoara.

Vika had an huge experience in mixing in several local clubs after her studis. Then, she went to Discoland, Timisiora. She used to appear in several parties, discos, etc in Romania and to too many solicitant roads she decided to move to Bucharest.

Right now she is a weekly presence at radio DEEA, who allowed Vika to become popular at national levels. Her popularity increased with her weekly show at radio VIBE FM.

Here are some of Vika Jigulinas' shows:

-Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party

-Liberty Parade 2007

-"I Love Music Tour'' mixed in the biggest romanian clubs

-2006 and 2007 House Parade

Vika mixed with Steve Murrano, with ATB, Tom Craft, DJ DOX, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso and other romanian artists.

Stereo Love with Edward Maya is actually her highest level in her career.

Right now, 2010 - Vika Jigulina is promoting her new single with...guess who? Edward Maya, called "This is My Life" following the same rhythm of "Stereo Love".

At the same time Vika is trying to mark her presence on the internet, having her own Facebook, Youtube and twitter account. She will release very soon her very own website

Vika Jigulina,

geboren in Moskau, ist Musikproduzentin, DJane und Sängerin. Sie machte einen Abschluss an der „Rahmaninov“ Musikschule in Moldavien und nahm anschließend 2000 ihr Studium in Timisoara, Rumänien, auf. Ihr weiterer Weg führte sie nach Bukarest, wo sie mit Hilfe des Radiosenders DEEA und damit verbunden einer Vielzahl an Auftritten, nationale Popularität erlangte.

Heute ist sie regelmäßig in der wöchentlichen Show von Radio VIBE FM zu hören. Ihre größten Erfolge feierte sie mit: Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party - 2008; Liberty Parade 2007 und „I Love Music“ – The Tour. Sie hat in den größten Clubs des Landes aufgelegt und stand unter anderem mit Steve Murrano, Tom Craft, ATB, DJ Dox, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello und vielen anderen bekannten DJs hinter den Plattentellern.

Edward Maya

ist ein musikalisches Komplettpaket: er ist Produzent, Darsteller, Komponist und Musiker. Seine Heimat ist Rumänien, dort besuchte er die „George
Enescu“ Musikschule in Bukarest und ist zurzeit Student im Abschlussjahrgang an der National University of Music.

2008 produzierte er ein Album mit der Band „Akcent“, das mit Hits wie „Stay With Me“, „That´s My Name“ und „Lover´s Cry“ international bekannt wurde.


Os músicos da Romênia não têm muita tradição no cenário pop mundial. Porém, um nome mudou tudo isso: Edward Marian Ilie, mais conhecido como Edward Maya.

Formado na escola de música George Enescu, na capital Bucareste, Maya sempre se mostrou interessado na arte musical. Ele até integrou o Conservatório de Bucareste.

Antes de lançar seu próprio single, o produtor, compositor e músico trabalho com vários artistas romenos, como Akcent, Vika Jigulinam Cassa Loco, DJ Sava e Marius Nedelcu. Em 2008, a banda Akcent lançou três músicas que estouraram no país. Todas contaram com a produção de Edward Maya.

No ano de 2009, Maya surpreendeu a todos quando lançou seu primeiro single. E a surpresa foi boa. ?Stereo Love?, de cara, dominou as pistas européias e logo em seguida foi a vez do mundo inteiro conhecer o talentoso Edward Maya.

Biografie Edward Maya

Genuri muzicale: Dance
Artisti similari: Dan Balan, Blondy (Andreea Banica), DJ Project, Morandi,
Edward Maya, pe numele sau adevarat, Eduard Adrian Ilie, s-a nascut pe data de 29 iunie 1986 in Bucuresti. A devenit cunoscut publicului in calitate de autor al marilor hituri europene semnate de trupa Akcent.

Este compozitor, producator si interpret, absolvent al Liceului de muzica George Enescu si licentiat al Conservatorul din Bucuresti.

Pe cand avea numai 19 ani, Maya a compus un cantec cu Eduard Carcota pentru editia din 2006 a Concursului Eurovision. Este vorba despre hitul `Tornero`, cu care Mihai Traistariu a castigat locul IV la finalul competitiei.

Acest mare succes a fost doar inceputul unei perioade foarte incarcate pentru Eduard, care a inceput colaborari cu diversi artisti cunoscuti peste granite: Akcent, Costi Ionita, Vika Jigulina, Cassa Loco, Studio One, Dj Rynno, Dj Sava, Marius Nedelcu, Blaxy Girls, Imba.

In 2008 a produs al doilea album al trupei Akcent care a ajuns in varfurile topurilor de vanzari europene, fiind autor al hiturilor Stay With Me, That's My Name si Lover's Cry. In acelasi an a aparut si piesa Stereo Love, primul single de solist al lui Edward Maya.

Single-ul s-a bucurat de un succes urias in Romania, pentru ca in 2009 sa fie lansata la nivel international. Stereo Love a ajuns in clasamentele din intreaga lume, precum: Grecia, Dubai, Rusia, Franta, Albania, Liban, Armenia, Portugalia, Polonia, Olanda, Egipt, Spania, Italia, Turcia si Anglia.

Stereo Love a reusit sa adune si peste 40 de milioane de vizualizari pe YouTube, in aproximativ 8 luni de zile....

Vika Jigulina,

geboren in Moskau, ist Musikproduzentin, DJane und Sängerin. Sie machte einen Abschluss an der "Rahmaninov" Musikschule in Moldavien und nahm anschließend 2000 ihr Studium in Timisoara, Rumänien, auf. Ihr weiterer Weg führte sie nach Bukarest, wo sie mit Hilfe des Radiosenders DEEA und damit verbunden einer Vielzahl an Auftritten, nationale Popularität erlangte.

Heute ist sie regelmäßig in der wöchentlichen Show von Radio VIBE FM zu hören. Ihre größten Erfolge feierte sie mit: Liberty Parade 2008 Arenele Romane – Vibe FM Launch Party - 2008; Liberty Parade 2007 und "I Love Music" – The Tour. Sie hat in den größten Clubs des Landes aufgelegt und stand unter anderem mit Steve Murrano, Tom Craft, ATB, DJ Dox, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve Angello und vielen anderen bekannten DJs hinter den Plattentellern.

Edward Maya

ist ein musikalisches Komplettpaket: er ist Produzent, Darsteller, Komponist und Musiker. Seine Heimat ist Rumänien, dort besuchte er die "George
Enescu" Musikschule in Bukarest und ist zurzeit Student im Abschlussjahrgang an der National University of Music.

2008 produzierte er ein Album mit der Band "Akcent", das mit Hits wie "Stay With Me", "That´s My Name" und "Lover´s Cry" international bekannt wurde.

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