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Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010

PUYA BIOGRAPHY- Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles

PUYA BIOGRAPHY- Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles


News - Aktuell

Puya was born on July 22, 1979 and working on hip-hop scene since 1995.n|
The first album was released in 1997 with La Familia, entitled "Boys of the district." The first contract signed with a production house was at the age of 17. At 19 years launches with Sisu song Tupeu the thief "who comes first in the specialty charts. The first solo album to be released in 2000, but never released because although the master was not ready, the label has not released because the material had appeared on the Internet a few months earlier.

The album features collaborations with Delia Matache, Uzzi, Paula Selling or M & G. The album circulated on the Internet with the title "work out my way." Although Sisu is arrested and La Familia title can not be used, Puya released album "Hunger for money" as the Sisu & Puya in 2005. The single "Money Hungry" enjoying success even today.

Puya drugs campaign initiated in 2006 "Learn how to choose." The campaign lasted two months, during which the artist has held seminars in over 30 high schools and in some prisons in the country. That same year, the artist plays a cabbie in the movie "Love Sick", directed by Tudor Giurgiu.

In 2008 released her first solo album, "Music of tolaneala and depravity" which enjoyed great success. "New Life", the first single from the album reached the top 100 position 54, without getting a run on mainstream radio. Puya's songs successfully combines commercial style social texts.

Album Romanisme "marks a change in career. "Do not go on the idea that music should remain as it once was, or often hear the phrase - melodiilea were those of 98 countries - the world changes around us. Many of those who cried" La Familia "on" the thief Tupeu "children, wives, two services and increasingly less time Peter music. I wanted to bring back hip hop on radio and in clubs.'s a different generation. Certainly not everyone will appreciate the change that we did but I'm not afraid of criticism, "says Puya.

In 2006 feat with Aras initiates and carries an extensive anti-drug campaign in schools around tara.Campania is titled "Learn how to choose." Feat was part of the cast of "Love Sick."

In 2007, Sisu and Puya infinteza NGO Agency Spartacus "Ong dedicated to defending the rights of prisoners and persons involved in the investigation process penale.Puya intenteza Mafia Lyrics request cancellation of registration of the name" the family "and OSIM Bucharest Court give prevailed.

In 2008 he begins his career Puya solo album "Music of tolaneala and debauchery, which is a great succes.Tot having gone sharply in 2008 to join the Green Party but quit after a short period. Romanisme album released in 2009 feat.

Feat was the youngest musical preferences like: 2 Pac, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Dr. Dre.

In 1996 he met and founded the Tudor Sisu band La Familia, which enjoyed a highly successful and soon the two were playing in the opening concerts Mafia.

Puya performed as soloist in a piece of the Mafia, "Until death do us part", which was detached from what was until that moment in Romania.n|
The family found their own style, without seeking easier and recorded his first album "neighborhood guys", which was very successful.

A video that says more about what they guys at The family was "Tupeu the thief," followed by "There's no place like home."

The following albums: "There's no place like home", "Welcome to Paradise", "God is a neighborhood boy (s?)" Have reinforced the image of Sisu and Puya.

They followed very good albums "congealed" as musical and best-selling "Get to Know", "Like-new EP," "Point and the End", "Hungry for money."

The family had serious disagreements with people from Celine Dion, who recorded the band's name in the "account" them. So those two guys could not use the "La Familia" Titling is simple: Sisu & Puya.

In 2003, Sisu has been sentenced to five years in prison for drug use and high risk, but life goes on.

Puya continued musical activity, and now the boys are determined to take it again, no matter what comments to them.

Puya market started as a member of hip-hop band La Familia, which she founded in 1994 with Sisu.

The first album was released in 1997 with La Familia, and was called "neighborhood guys".
The first solo album, which features collaborations with big voices or Delia Matache Paula Seling, was to be launched in 2000, but has not appeared at all because the internet had appeared a few days earlier as "By the end my way "

In 2006, the artist plays in the movie "Love Sick", starring as a cab driver, a film directed by Tudor Giurgiu and appreciated by a wide audience category.

CD titled "Music Tolaneala & Depravity" was released in March 2008 and contains the singles 'New Life' and `Laura and Keo` Chamber music with Bibanu MIXXL.

Since the material has enjoyed success among the public, Puya has released a solo album in two parts: Part 1 '`Romanisme (April 2009)` and `Romanisme Part 2 (November 2009).

Neighborhood life, a phrase taken from Roman and aprape customized to each region of the country. An expression that supposed to mean a way of life, characteristic, it seems, a large category of youth today. Those who have given birth to new wave music, relatively new for Romania during 1994-1995, hip-hop.

Even before the exponents of this style of life to become stars, two young people show interest in the White Pond neighborhood of Bucharest. They would become "La Familia", a band that has enjoyed, still enjoy a phenomenal success.

Gardescu Dragos Tudor Sisu and fought hard to achieve the fame they enjoy now. Although no lives were not easy, neither gave up the dream.

Sisu was increased only by the mother, and the feat was the youngest of four brothers born into a poor family in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the capital. Two people who managed to impose their views on the Romanian music scene.

In 1998, "There's no place like home" was one of the best selling albums in Romania and the video for "Tupeu the thief" was for several months in heavy rotation on music television only after that time in Romania. From now on, "La Familia" have become known throughout the country.

There followed a period devoid of hits for the Sisu and Puya returned to old interests before, that the street life. In a later appeared on the market the album "Get to Know", which introduced a new hip-hop artist, Honey.

In October 2003, Sisu was arrested and sentenced, five months later, three years in prison on charges of drug consumption and high risk. "La Familia" are guys who can start again anytime, regardless of the barriers that have passed.n|

Dragos Gardescu, known as Puya, the youngest child of a poor family in a neighborhood on the outskirts bucuresteana.Cu although he had an easy life did not impose its view on the Romanian music scene.

Along with the band La Familia Sisu has founded, creating a relatively new musical style for 1994, began singing at the opening concerts 1995.La Bug Mafia.Cu band to be known well ahead nationally, people show a keen interest in pieces the two men for their original style. "There's no place like home" was one of the best selling albums.

It contains the hit "Tupeu the thief" which ran for months on only music television station in Romania.Astfel that time, "La Familia" has become known throughout tara.A devoid of hits followed by a period in which the two have returned to street life Alba.Dar Pond neighborhood back in 2001 followed with the albums "Get to Know" and "Welcome to Paradise" which brought appreciation from fans and critics talk about gen.Piesele neighborhood problems, both so familiar with them.

Albums released in 2003 were "good life" and "Point and over again." Track "Everyday" was banned by the regulator after just three weeks after difuzare.Desi music legally in 2003 was full of Sisu success has been arrested for drug consumption and trafficking and sentenced to three years of inchisoare.A was paroled in 2005 but was arrested shortly after again being found in possession of large quantities of droguri.Puya continued to go forward and when the band never stopped Mafia has forbidden to use the name "La Familia". Puya said that those in Mafia and they demanded the sum of 15,000 euros to use his name continuare.Reactia was symbolic: a single registered money hungry "in which he criticized the attitude of tough guys from Bug Mafia.In 2005 Sisu and Puya infinteaza the label" Outrageous Music and DJ Wicked officially enter in the band.
Primul album lansat a fost alaturi de La Familia in 1997, intitulat "Baieti de cartier". Primul contract semnat cu o casa de productie a fost la varsta de 17 ani. La 19 ani lanseaza impreuna cu Sisu piesa "Tupeu de borfas" care ajunge pe primul loc in topurile de specialitate. Primul album solo trebuia lansat in anul 2000, dar nu s-a mai lansat deloc pentru ca desi masterul era gata, casa de discuri nu a mai lansat materialul din cauza faptului ca aparuse pe internet cu cateva luni inainte.n|
In anul 2008 lanseaza primul album solo, "Muzica de tolaneala si depravare" care se bucura de mare succes. "Viata noua", primul single de pe album, ajunge in top 100 pe pozitia 54, fara a avea nici o difuzare pe radiourile mainstream. Melodiile lui Puya imbina cu succes stilul comercial cu textele sociale.
Albumul "Romanisme" marcheaza o schimbare in cariera artistului. "Nu merg pe ideea ca muzica trebuie sa ramina cum era odata sau auzi des sintagma - melodiilea alea din 98 erau tari - lumea se schimba in jurul nostru. Multi dintre cei care strigau "La Familia" pe "Tupeu de borfas" au copii, neveste, doua servicii si din ce in ce mai putin timp petru muzica. Mi-am propus sa readuc hip hop-ul la radio si in cluburi. E o alta generatie. Cu siguranta nu toti o sa aprecieze schimbarea pe care am facut-o, dar nu imi este frica de critici" declara Puya.
In 2007 Sisu si Puya infinteza Ong-ul "Agentia Spartacus",Ong dedicat apararii drepturilor detinutilor si a persoanelor implicate in anchete penale.Puya intenteza proces trupei Bug Mafia in care cere anularea inregistrarii numelui "la Familia" la OSIM iar Tribunalul Bucuresti le da castig de cauza.
In anul 2008 Puya isi incepe cariera solo cu albumul "Muzica de tolaneala si depravare" ,care se doveste un mare succes.Tot in 2008 se inscrie in Partidul Verde insa renunta dupa o scurta perioada. In 2009 Puya lanseaza albumul Romanisme.
Puya a avut de tanar preferinte muzicale ca: 2 Pac,50 Cent,Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Dr.Dre.
In 1996 l-a cunoscut pe Tudor Sisu si au infiintat formatia La Familia, care s-a bucurat de mare succes la public si in scurt timp, cei doi cantau in deschiderea concertelor BUG Mafia.
Puya a cantat ca solist intr-o piesa a celor de la BUG Mafia, "Pana cand moartea ne va desparti", care s-a detasat de tot ce era pana in acel moment pe piata din Romania.
La Familia si-au gasit propriul stil, fara sa caute facilul si au inregistrat primul album "Baieti de cartier", care a avut mare succes.
Au urmat albume extrem de bine "inchegate" muzical si la fel de bine vandute: "Familiarizeaza-te", "Ca la noi -EP", "Punct si de la Capat", "Foame de bani".
La Familia a avut neintelegeri grave cu cei de la BUG Mafia, care au inregistrat numele formatiei in "contul" lor. Astfel cei doi baieti nu au mai putut folosi "La Familia", intitulandu-se simplu: Sisu&Puya.
In 2003, Sisu a fost condamnat la 5 ani de inchisoare pentru consum si trafic de droguri de mare risc, insa viata merge mai departe.
Puya a continuat activitatea muzicala, iar acum cei doi baieti sunt hotarati sa o ia de la capat, indiferent ce se comenteaza la adresa lor.
Puya a debutat pe piata hip-hop ca membru al trupei La Familia, pe care a infiintat-o impreuna cu Sisu in 1994.
Viata de cartier, o sintagma preluata de romani si particularizata aprape fiecarei regiuni din tara. O expresie care vrea sa insemne un anumit mod de viata, caracteristic, se pare, unei mari categorii a tineretului din zilele noastre. Cei care au dat nastere unui nou val musical, relativ nou pentru Romania anilor 1994-1995, hip-hop-ul.
Inca inainte ca exponentii acestui stil de viata sa devina vedete, lumea arata interes pentru doi tineri din cartierul bucurestean Balta Alba. Acestia aveau sa devina "La Familia", o trupa care s-a bucurat, si inca se mai bucura de un succes fenomenal.n|
Tudor Sisu si Dragos Gardescu s-au luptat mult pentru a atinge renumele de care se bucura acum. Cu toate ca nu au avut o viata deloc usoara, nici unul nu a renuntat la vis.
Sisu a fost crescut doar de mama, iar Puya era cel mai mic dintre cei patru frati nascuti intr-o familie modesta dintr-un cartier de la periferia capitalei. Doi tineri care au reusit sa-si impuna punctul de vedere pe scena muzicii romanesti.
In octombrie 2003, Sisu a fost arestat si condamnat, cinci luni mai tarziu, la trei ani de inchisoare sub acuzatia de consum si trafic de droguri de mare risc. "La Familia" sunt baietii care o pot lua de la capat oricand, indiferent de barierele pe care le au de trecut.
Dragos Gardescu ,cunoscut sub numele de Puya ,este mezinul unei familii modeste dintr-un cartier din periferia bucuresteana.Cu toate ca a avut o viata deloc usoara a reusit sa-si impuna punctul de vedere pe scena muzicala romaneasca.
Alaturi de Sisu a infintat trupa La Familia,dand nastere unui stil muzical relativ nou pentru anii 1994-1995.La inceput cantau in deschiderea concertelor trupei Bug Mafia.Cu mult inainte de a fii cunoscuti la nivel national,lumea arata un interes deosebit pentru piesele celor doi tineri pentru stilul lor original. "Nicaieri nu-i ca acasa"a fost unul dintre cele mai bine vandute albume.
In 2003 au fost lansate albumele "Viata buna"si "Punct si de la capat".Piesa "Zi de zi " a fost interzisa de CNA dupa doar 3 saptamani de la difuzare.Desi din punct de vedere muzical anul 2003 a fost plin de succese Sisu a fost arestat pentru consum si trafic de droguri si condamnat la 3 ani de inchisoare.A fost eliberat conditionat in anul 2005 insa la scurt timp a fost arestat din nou fiind gasit in posesia unei mari cantitati de droguri.Puya a continuat sa mearga inainte si nu s-a oprit nici cand trupa Bug Mafia i-a interzis sa mai foloseasca numele "La Familia".Puya a afirmat ca cei de la Bug Mafia i-au cerut suma de 15000 de euro pentru a putea folosi numele in continuare.Reactia sa a fost simbolica:a inregistrat single-ul Foame de bani" in care critica dur atitudinea baietilor de la Bug Mafia.In 2005 Sisu si Puya infinteaza label-ul "Scandalos Music" si Dj Wicked intra oficial in componenta trupei..n|

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