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Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

Anda Adam Biography,Pictures, Videos, Movies ,poze, versuri Anda Adam, muzica, videoclipuri

Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010
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Anda Adam Biography,Pictures, Videos, Movies ,poze, versuri Anda Adam, muzica, videoclipuri

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Anda Adam was born on April 27, 1980 in Bucharest, Romania. She is a famous Romanian singer.

Biography and Career :

Anda Adam has been in the middle of the show biz entertainment even since she was 16 years old with a lot of motivation and a nice look.

She adores music and has been remarked by a lot of Romanian producers and composers.

Anda Adam started singing with her first band named R.A.C.L.A and their single "Nu Ma Uita (Don't Forget Me - title in English)" was a national hit.

Music was her first love and even if she has her own business now she never forgets her first album which made her famous.

Together with the composer Marius Moga she reached her maximum success in a complex solo album. She spent a lot of hours in the studio being very strict with hersel

f. The album is named "Confidential" and she finds herself in each song.

Anda Adam has a strong personality, being tough but at the same time romantic, a passionable woman with a sexy body and sensitive attitude.

Having a great sexy look she received a proposal from Playboy Romania to be included with some sexy pics in the magazine and she accepted.

She practises a lot of aerobic and fitness in spite of her busy daily schedule to keep her body fit.

Trivia :

- Her hobbies are music and fitness
- She prefers yoghurts, boiled vegetables, chicken and fruit most

Discography :

1. Confidential (2005)
- Ce ti-as face
- Ajutor
- RaggaStyle
- Nai, Nai
- Nu sunt cuminte
- Ochii mei
- Te voi iubi
- Faceti loc
- Al noulea cer
- Dragostea doare

2. Doar cu tine (2003)
- Doar cu tine
- Viata mea
- Tu
- Nu te mai gandi la mine
- Doar cu tine - Rmx
- Viata mea - Rmx"Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site""Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site"

Anda este una dintre cele mai cunoscute figure din show-business-ul romanesc inca de cand avea 17 ani si inca de atunci era fascinata de industria muzicala.
Pe masura ce si-a creat drum si a trasat clar posibilitatile sale in muzica, industria a clasat-o foarte repede ca fiind unul din cei mai promitatori artisti.

Pentru mai multi ani la rand, Anda a fost vocea favorita a mai multor producatori de success, colega favorita de show a mai multor artisti si subiect de presa preferat al tuturor jurnalistilor. O parte din viata ei a trait-o la New York, unde locuieste mama sa, Anda a luat o pauza la un moment dat pentru a regandi proiectul sau muzical si a se canalize pe ceea ce urma sa se intample. rn|

Urmatorul sau album a fost realizat cu implicarea compozitorului Marius Moga. Acesta a avut un impact mediat deosebit, deoarece presa era deja la curent cu show-urile Andei: intrepretare 100% live, energie, coregrafii complexe pentru fiecare bucata muzicala si o echipa de dansatori profesionisti. Una din cele mai difuzate piese, dupa revenirea Andei, a fost “Selecta” feat. Alex, care a devenit imediat dupa lansare un hit si care a fost urmata de o piesa la fel de energica si de fresh, ce a fost pe primul loc in toate topurile – piesa „Ajutor”.

Cea de-a doua colaborare de pe albumul “Confidential” este cea cu Bishop pe piesa « Nai, nai », aceasta single fiind urmat de piesa “Ochii mei”, compusa de Marius Moga si a carei clip a fost realizat de Iulian Moga. Smiley si Randi si-au pus si ei amprenat pe cateva din piesele Andei, potrivindu-se foarte bine pe stilul artistei.

In plina ascensiune profesionala, Anda a acceptat propunerea postului PRO TVde a concura la faimosul show de televiziune „Dansez pentru tine”. Anda este o foarte buna dansatoare si a facut o figura frumoasa pe parcursul show-ului, implicandu-se foarte mult in povestea partenerului sau de dans.

In decembrie 2008 Anda incepe colaborarea cu casa de discuri MediaPro Music, alaturi de care lanseaza in ianuarie albumul “Queen of hearts”. Albumul contine 10 piese pop-dance explozive cu influente R&B in limba romana si engleza. Primul single ce a beneficiat de clip a fost Punani, urmat de o piesa reprezentativa, ce promoveaza acest album – Sufletul meu, compusa bineinteles tot de Marius Moga.


Fascinated with the entertainment system, Anda Adam is one of the most influent figures in Romanian show-biz since the age of 17.

Born on April 27 Bucharest-Romania, Anda Adam marked very fast her possibilities in music, and the industry marked her very fast as one of the most promising artist at the time. For several years, Anda was the favorite studio voice for most powerful producers, the favorite show partner for the best artists,and the favorite media subject for TV, radio and press.rn|

Her first album with Marius Moga had a strong impact with media. They are already aware of Anda’s spectacular shows:100% live with a very powerful voice, energy, amazing choreography and a very professional dance team. “Selecta” feat. Alex, was an instant hit, followed by the song that was climbing the charts ,”Ajutor“. “Nai,Nai“, song from the same “Confidential” album, brings a new featuring, this time with Bishop, being one of the favorite song at the moment and top of all playlist for radio stations. “Ochii mei“,a successful song from “Confidential” album, has a very well done videoclip produced by Julian Moga . Smiley and Randy brought their contribution too, matching very good Anda’s musical style. As a result of all this good job done, Anda Adam won a Gold and Platinum Disc for sales .

Soon after her success, Anda accepted the proposal of PRO TV to be part of the famous show “Dancing with the Stars“. Being a very good dancer, Anda delighted the viewers with an amazing performance, wishing from her heart to help her partner to win the competition .

December 2008 – is the beginning of her collaboration with record company Media Pro Music.
January – just in a few months Anda released a new album “Queen of Hearts“. 10 songs , pop-dance and R&B ,in romanian and english language .

“Punani“, first single of this album, has a very dynamic videoclip, where Anda, besides her vocal qualities, shows amazing dance skill next to Deenice, one of Mariah Carey’s dancers who traveled from Germany to be part of Anda’s videoclip.

The most representative song from “Queen of Hearts” album is still ……”My Soul“. With this song, Anda wished to bring close to her soul all her fans, and the videoclip didn’t do anything more then to complete her wish.

Her latest single, “Love On You“, marks the beginning of a new sound in Anda’s career: club music.


“Nu Ma Uita” feat. RACLA 1999

“Ca Intre Fete” 2001

“Doar cu Tine” 2003

“Confidential” 2005

“Queen of Hearts” 2009rn|

“Love On You” 2010..

Cine este Anda Adam?
Anda Adam si-a facut debutul in showbiz-ul romanesc inca de cand avea 17 ani si de atunci a stiut cum sa isi pastreze locul pe care l-a primit in urma efortului depus de-a lungul anilor.
Se numara printre putinii artisti care au impresionat inca de la prima aparitie si a avut norocul sa se afle in locul potrivit la momentul potrivit.
Hitul "Nu ma uita" pentru care baietii de la R.A.C.L.A. au ales-o pe Anda sa fie vocea feminina s-a dovedit a fi primul pas spre succes al acesteia, fiind apoi cooptata de Marijuana pentru piesa "Fete rele".
Din fata rea care se invartea in cercurile artistilor de muzica hip-hop in anul 1999, frumoasa cantareata se transforma intr-o adevarata diva care obtine repede respectul celor din jur.
In 2003 isi doreste o revenire cu piesa "Doar cu tine" care insa nu prea ii aduce succesul dorit desi realizeaza un frumos videoclip de imagine.
Dupa mai multi ani in care a cam stat intr-un con de umbra Anda Adam loveste din nou si de data asta reuseste sa se mentina in topuri.
Primind ajutor din partea echipei lui Marius Moga, unul dintre cei mai buni producatori muzicali, artista scoate in 2005 cu albumul "Confidential" ce ii aduce discul de platina.
Cei doi reusesc sa faca toate fetele sa se dezlantuie in cluburile bucurestene in ritmurile de club ale single-ului "Nai Nai", fiind cea de-a doua colaborare pe care artista o are pe albumul "Confidential".
Anda Adam a realizat unul dintre cele mai incendiare pictoriale pentru Playboy
Lovita probabil de sagetile lui Cupidon, Anda Adam este ajutata de fratii Moga pentru compunerea si filmarea videoclipului la piesa "Ochii mei", o adevarata declaratie de dragoste.
Pentru ca atrage atentia nu doar prin muzica, ci si prin miscarile de dans pe care le stapaneste, aceasta este dorita sa participe la emisiunea "Dansez pentru tine".
Sfarsitul anului 2008 o aduce pe Anda Adam sub aripa protectoare a celor de la MediaPro Music cu ajutorul carora scoate cel de-al doilea album numit "Queen of Hearts".
Albumul contine 10 piese pop-dance cu influente R&B in limba romana si engleza.
Primul single extras de pe album se numeste "Punani" si beneficieaza de un videoclip dinamic in care apare unul dintre dansatorii cantaretei americane Mariah Carey, Denice.
Ultimul videoclip filmat este pentru piesa de dragoste "Sufletul meu", piesa compusa de Marius Moga prin care aceasta doreste sa isi aduca fanii mai aproape de sufletul ei.
Pe langa succesul de care se bucura in cariera Anda Adam nu are de ce sa se planga nici pe plan sentimental.
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