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Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010

Smiley Biography, Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles

Smiley Biography, Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles

"I was born into a warm afternoon in July. We had a beautiful childhood even though I was a fussy baby. My life worked out to 10 years when the pleasure of listening to music has become the pleasure of singing.
By tenth grade I was making music Nazari computer because I had too many ideas to be implemented in a way. I now walk free music virus through blood. Millennium band I played in three, until I was observed by Gyuri Pascu, who helped us out an album.
At the same time I became friends with those who were to join my colleagues in the band: CRBL, Omu Negru, Midget and Francezu.
SIMPLE was playing with his proposal CRBL, but I auditioned the label.

Followed by dancing and singing rehearsals, then I met Marius Moga, who was very excited about the new formula simple. Smiley tells me that they are responsible for proper disposal.

We have launched hit after hit, I wrote for other artists, I went to college ... The rest believe that they know you! "

Source: Cat Music September 2007, Smiley announced that is preparing to launch a solo album. The first single from this material is called `` In my absence and came on the market already. Although the piece is the artist's solo debut, Smiley did not sing `` In my absence alone, but with the Mafia Uzzi. The song also received a video, directed by Iulian Moga made, step by step that follows the lyrics.
On February 13, 2009, in Baneasa Shopping City Smiley protagonists hunt launched for the new video single 'Designed to love you', dedicated to all lovers. Baneasa Shopping City Visitors were invited during February 14 to March 8 to activate Bluetooth and send in a picture that expresses love in a unique way for partners / partners. The original photo was awarded the winner and half to have been part of the new video signed Smiley.
Sunday, March 1, 2009, Smiley and the fans in Baneasa Shopping City is waiting for an autograph session, between 13.00 - 15.00. The artist greeted admirers with trinkets and CDs, and for such an occasion, the center has prepared holiday clothes, waiting for spring."

Smiley performs in Turabo Society Club in Bucharest on 20 March 2009.
On April 23, 2009, `Designed To Love You 'was released exclusively on the post Music Channel. Directed by Iulian Moga, the clip has generated a campaign in which visitors to the mall shooting that took place were challenged to activate Bluetooth and send a picture of a unique way to express love for your partner. Original photo of the pair won the starring role, along with Smiley and his girlfriend, Laura COSO, in the video. `For me, the campaign 'Designed to love you" was more than an interaction with the audience that appreciates my music. It was a unique formula to convey my appreciation for the courage to cry out loud and love their partner, 'he told Smiley.
On July 8, 2009, Smiley received gold disc for 10,000 units sold. Who handed the trophy was none other than Dan Popi - Managing Director Cat Music - who congratulated the artist.
During this time, Smiley talked about the new video for his single 'Easy Like a Puppet'. The song was included on the next album could be simple and played on radio and TV. Directed by Iulian Moga clip is signed and the shooting took place in the MediaPro Studios. The action takes place in a mental hospital, where ones of simple plays all roles of doctors and patients.
Certified dancers, and actors as expected, the Simpsons have combined those qualities impressively compelling that they have, making the most of their new video, a really memorable. The video has a budget as impeccable quality, involving extras, stunt people, mountaineers, being shot on film. The decor was created by Niklas Resteanu talented and the costumes boys dealt Fratila stylist Elena. Puppet is a manifesto against unification. We are all manipulated by everything around us are basically puppets. Generally those who are trying to
do some things differently are viewed as freaks. Basically out of normality - a concept widely accepted - is marginalized.n|`Farewell Concert. `I'm going to Mars, which Smiley and it scheduled for April 1, 2010 at the Palace Hall in Bucharest, was postponed to this autumn. The reason is the production of spectacular events that allow the development of all the details in due course.
In early February 2010, Smiley began a campaign that offered through the Site or, "free land on Mars," all users who are willing to go on a journey with him. The new single I'm going to Mars - a unique collaboration with the Cheloo Paramore - had over 90,000 views in less than 24 hours a YouTube channel and is already in the playlist of all radio stations. The song will be included on the first of two albums that will launch Smiley signed on 25 March and 1 April. The two albums fall into two different musical styles - the first being the sound and the second electro, their launch separate into a natural consequence.n|On February 26, 2010 Smiley has released the video I'm going to Mars, where it is co-starring Cheloo from Paramore. Filming for the fifth video Smiley took place on 11 February. Surprisingly, the video was filmed in a single setting, and all the action takes place in one room in which everyone wants to escape. I'm going to Mars is part of the first volume of the new album 'I'm going to Mars Smiley Acoustic Vol 1' which will be launched in March together with Gazeta Sport. The second volume of `I'm going to Mars album Electro Vol 2 'will be able to find a market in the first week of release, together with the same publication.

Smiley, the only real or Andrei Tiberiu Maria, was born on July 27, 1983 in Pitesti. At age 10 he began to sing. A band played in the Millennium March, until I was observed by Gyuri Pascu, who helped to release an album. At the same time was friends with those who were to join his band mates: CRBL, Omu Negru, Midget and Francezu.

CRBL's proposal in 2001 joined the band Simple. In 2007 he began working with the TV station Pro TV series "One step forward, where his plays Sheba, a talented former student, the best in school, which has frozen the year because of problems with drugs.

In September 2007, Smiley announced that is preparing to launch a solo album. The first single from this material is called `` In my absence and came on the market already. Although the piece is the artist's solo debut, Smiley did not sing `` In my absence alone, but with the Mafia Uzzi. The song also received a video, directed by Iulian Moga made, step by step that follows the lyrics.

Smiley's talent and pleasure to create music has resulted in the band when he joined Millennium 3, as noted by Gyuri Pascu, who helped to release an album.

Meanwhile Smiley befriended those who were to join his fellow band SIMPLE: CRBL, Omu Negru, Midget and Francezu.

Being responsible for good mood, Smiley has released hit after hit, he wrote for other artists, and now Smiley has already released a solo album.

The first single from this material, called "In my absence, was accompanied by Uzzi Smiley, a member BUG Mafia.

"M-am nascut intr-o dupa-amiaza calduroasa de iulie. Am avut o copilarie frumoasa desi eram un copil agitat. Viata mea a decurs normal pana la 10 ani cand placerea de a asculta muzica s-a transformat in placerea de a canta.
Prin clasa a zecea mi s-a nazarit sa fac muzica pe calculator fiindca aveam prea multe idei care trebuiau concretizate intr-un fel. Virusul muzicii imi umbla acum nestingherit prin sange. Am cantat in trupa Millenium 3, pana cand am fost observati de Gyuri Pascu, care ne-a ajutat sa scoatem un album.
In acelasi timp m-am imprietenit cu cei ce urmau sa devina colegii mei de trupa: CRBL, Omu Negru, Piticu si Francezu.

Sa cant cu SIMPLU a fost propunerea lui CRBL, dar am dat proba la casa de discuri.
Au urmat repetitii de dans si cantat, apoi l-am intalnit pe Marius Moga, care s-a aratat foarte incantat de noua formula SIMPLU. Smiley mi se spune pentru ca sunt responsabil cu buna dispozitie.
Am lansat hit dupa hit, am compus si pentru alti artisti, am intrat la facultate… Restul cred ca il stiti si voi!"
Sursa: Cat Musicn|In luna septembrie 2007, Smiley anunta ca pregateste lansarea unui album solo. Primul extras pe single de pe acest material se numeste `In lipsa mea` si a iesit deja pe piata. Desi piesa reprezinta debutul solo al artistului, Smiley nu canta `In lipsa mea` singur, ci cu Uzzi de la BUG Mafia. Melodia a beneficiat si de un videoclip, realizat in regia lui Iulian Moga, care urmareste versurile pas cu pas.
Pe 13 februarie 2009,in Baneasa Shopping City Smiley a lansat vanatoarea de protagonisti pentru videoclipul noului single `Designed to love you`, dedicat tuturor indragostitilor. Vizitatorii Baneasa Shopping City au fost invitati in perioada 14 februarie – 8 martie sa-si activeze bluetooth-ul si sa trimita o poza care exprima intr-un mod inedit dragostea pentru partenerele/partenerii lor. Cea mai originala fotografie a fost premiata, iar castigatorul si jumatatea sa au facut parte din noul videoclip semnat Smiley.
Duminica, 1 martie 2009, Smiley si-a asteaptat fanii la Baneasa Shopping City pentru o sesiune de autografe, intre orele 13.00 - 15.00. Artistul si-a intampinat admiratorii cu martisoare si cd-uri, iar pentru asa o ocazie, centrul comercial si-a pregatit straie de sarbatoare, in asteptarea primaverii.
Smiley concerteaza in Turabo Society Club din Bucuresti pe data de 20 martie 2009.
Pe 23 aprilie 2009, `Designed To Love You` a fost lansat in exclusivitate pe postul Music Channel. Regizat de Iulian Moga, clipul a generat o campanie prin care vizitatorii mall-ului in care a avut loc filmarea au fost provocati sa isi activeze Bluetooth-ul si sa trimita o poza care exprima intr-un mod inedit dragostea pentru partener. Perechea din cea mai originala fotografie a castigat rolul protagonist, alaturi de Smiley si de iubita lui, Laura Cosoi, in videoclip.`Pentru mine, campania `Designed to love you` a fost mai mult decat o interactiune cu publicul care imi apreciaza muzica. A fost o formula inedita de a le transmite aprecierea mea pentru curajul de a-si striga in gura mare dragostea fata de partener`, a marturisit Smiley
Pe 8 Iulie 2009, Smiley a primit Discul de Aur pentru 10.000 de unitati vandute. Cel care i-a inmanat trofeul a fost nimeni altul decat Dan Popi – Managing Director Cat Music - care l-a felicitat pe artist.
Tot in aceasta perioada, Smiley a povestit si despre noul videoclip Simplu pentru single-ul `Like a Puppet`. Piesa a fost inclusa pe urmatorul album Simplu si a putut fi ascultata pe posturile radio si TV. Regia clipului este semnata de Iulian Moga, iar filmarile au avut loc in cadrul Studiourilor MediaPro. Actiunea se petrece intr-un spital de nebuni unde cei din Simplu joaca pe rand roluri de doctori si pacienti.
Dansatori atestati, dar si actori pe masura asteptarilor, cei de la Simplu au imbinat impresionant calitatile incontestabile pe care le detin, facand din cel mai nou videoclip al lor, unul cu adevarat memorabil. Videoclipul a beneficiat de un buget pe masura calitatii ireprosabile, implicand figuratie, cascadori, alpinisti, fiind filmat pe pelicula. Decorul a fost realizat de talentatul Nicu Resteanu, iar de costumele baietilor s-a ocupat stilista Elena Fratila. Puppet este un manifest impotriva uniformizarii. Toti suntem manipulati de tot ceea ce ne inconjoara si practic suntem niste marionete. In general cei care incearca sa faca lucrurile altfel sunt vazuti ca niste nebuni. Practic iesirea din normalitate – ca si concept general acceptat – inseamna marginalizare.
Concertul `Adio. Plec pe Marte`, pe care Smiley si-l programase pentru data de 1 aprilie 2010 la Sala Palatului din Bucuresti, a fost amanat pentru toamna acestui an. Motivul este productia spectaculoasa a evenimentului care nu permite punerea la punct a tuturor detaliilor in timp util.
La inceputul lunii februarie 2010, Smiley a inceput o campanie prin care oferea, prin intermediul site-ului sau, "pamant gratis pe Marte" tuturor utilizatorilor care sunt dornici sa plece intr-o calatorie alaturi de el. Noul single Plec pe Marte - o colaborare inedita cu Cheloo de la Parazitii - a avut peste 90.000 de vizualizari in mai putin de 24 de ore pe canalul YouTube si a intrat deja in playlist-ul tuturor posturilor radio. Piesa va fi inclusa pe primul dintre cele doua albume semnate Smiley ce se vor lansa pe 25 martie, respectiv 1 aprilie. Cele doua albume se incadreaza in doua stiluri muzicale diferite - primul fiind acustic si cel de-al doilea electro, lansarea lor separata devenind o consecinta fireasca.

Pe data de 26 februarie 2010 Smiley a lansat videoclipul Plec pe Marte, care il are co-protagonist pe Cheloo de la Parazitii. Filmarile pentru cel de-al cincilea videoclip Smiley s-au desfasurat pe 11 februarie. Surprinzator, clipul s-a filmat intr-un singur decor, iar toata actiunea se petrece intr-o singura camera din care toata lumea vrea sa scape. Plec pe Marte face parte din primul volum al noului album Smiley `Plec pe Marte Vol. 1 Acustic` ce va fi lansat in martie impreuna cu Gazeta Sporturilor. Al doilea volum al albumului `Plec pe Marte Vol. 2 Electro` se va putea gasi pe piata la o saptamana de la lansarea primului, impreuna cu aceeasi publicatie.
Smiley, pe numale sau real Andrei Tiberiu Maria, s-a nascut la data de 27 iulie 1983 in Pitesti. La varsta de 10 ani a inceput sa cante. A cantat in trupa Millenium 3, pana cand am fost observati de Gyuri Pascu, care i-a ajutat sa scoata un album. In acelasi timp s-a imprietenit cu cei ce urmau sa devina colegii sai de trupa: CRBL, Omu Negru, Piticu si Francezu.
La propunerea lui CRBL in anul 2001 s-a alaturat trupei Simplu. In anul 2007 a inceput colaborarea cu postul de televiziune Pro Tv pentru serialul "Cu un pas inainte", unde interpreteaza rolul lui Seba, un fost student talentat, cel mai bun din scoala, care si-a inghetat anul din cauza problemelor cu drogurile.
In luna septembrie 2007, Smiley anunta ca pregateste lansarea unui album solo. Primul extras pe single de pe acest material se numeste `In lipsa mea` si a iesit deja pe piata. Desi piesa reprezinta debutul solo al artistului, Smiley nu canta `In lipsa mea` singur, ci cu Uzzi de la BUG Mafia. Melodia a beneficiat si de un videoclip, realizat in regia lui Iulian Moga, care urmareste versurile pas cu pas.
Talentul lui Smiley si placerea de a crea muzica s-a concretizat atunci cand a intrat in trupa Millenium 3, fiind remarcati de Gyuri Pascu, care i-a ajutat sa scoata un album.
In acelasi timp Smiley s-a imprietenit cu cei ce urmau sa devina colegii lui din trupa SIMPLU : CRBL, Omu Negru, Piticu si Francezu.
Fiind responsabil cu buna dispozitie, Smiley a lansat hit dupa hit, a compus si pentru alti artisti, iar in prezent Smiley a lansat deja un album solo.
Pe primul single extras de pe acest material, numit "In lipsa mea", Smiley a fost acompaniat de Uzzi, unul din membrii B.U.G. Mafia.

Cine a spus ca

doar fetelor le place sa se dezbrace si sa pozeze goale? Ei
bine, si barbatilor le place sa renunte la haine
si sa fie admirati de repezentatele sexului frumos.
Smiley se numara printre barbatii care au frant inimile a
milioane de fete din Romania si este un artist de valoare.
Membrul trupei Simplu apare gol pe coperta celui mai recent
numar al revistei "Tabu", editia de februarie ce va aparea
luni, 25 ianuarie 2010.
Un cadou inedit de Valentine's Day, Smiley si
Laura fiind un exemplu al iubirii adevarate.
Cei doi au fost suprinsi in ipostaze tandre si intime ce

demonstreaza dragostea lor pura.
Smiley si Laura Cosoi reinterpreteaza o secventa celebra
cu John Lennon si Yoko Ono in deschiderea unor fotografii

Laura Cosoi si Smiley, cuplul de îngeraşi îndrăgostiţi, îşi exprimă iubirea prin limbaj corporal.
Şi aşa a luat naştere pictorialul din Tabu.

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