Dj Sava - biografie & Pictures, Videos,NEW,Movies ,poze, muzica, videoclipuri
Having a keen interest in music, DJ Sava began his career as a dj in 1990, when the first taste of playing to a crowd was given to him: Disco Vox Maris, Costinesti, at the Black Sea. From this beginning, DJ Sava played an important number of gigs around the country, wowed clubs and captivated dance floors by mixing along in important house events like “Freedom Festival”. At the present time he is undoubtedly a very well known dj, producer and remixer, representing one of the major labels in his country, “MusicVision”. His first single, as a producer, was “Gone Away”, a great track, which succeeded to become a hit, and also to get in the charts and playlists of great international djs like: Joachim Garraud, J Joy, Santos etc. After spending a year perfecting his producer skills, his label decided to release DJ Sava’s first album: “Love Drops”, and first video “I Remember” (feat. Dana Nicula), played by different music televisions in Europe (MTV, Kiss TV etc) and included it in their charts on top positions, by visitor’s vote. “Love Drops” is a very comlpex album, which includes also collaborations with important artists and songwriters: Dj Andi, Activ, Lucian Barbulesu, Connect-R, Chris Mayer, Adrian K etc. This autumn finds DJ Sava in the middle of filming his new video for “Sunshine” (feat. Connect-R), a new single with a different and spectacular new sound and vibes. Major djs like: Angel Anx, Treitl Hammond and very soon Djuma SoundSystem, have already remixed this new single, included it in their playlists, and commented it as “a real top hit”. Despite all his producer activities, DJ Sava, constantly returns to where it all began, namely in the clubs to his fans.
(source:MySpace)"Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site""Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site""Dim lights Embed Embed this video on your site"
Cover-ul pentru albumul lui Sava este facut de catre Vali Barbulescu. O parte din piese pot fi asculte si pe site-ul lui,
Home page:
Si-a inceput cariera de DJ in 1990, in discoteca Vox Maris din Costinesti.
Data si locul nasterii: 03/04/1973 ,
Debut/colaborare: “Gone Away” feat Elena, (2005);
Primul album: “Love Drops”, (2007);
Cel mai tare single: “Sunshine”|
Numar albume: 1;
Caracteristici personale: Fara podoaba capilara ;
In timpul liber… Nu stie ce este acela…timp liber;
Ce ne uimeste la el/ea: la piesa “Sunshine”, a mixat vocea lui Connect-r, in asa fel
incat nu o recunoaste nimeni..
dj, producator, remixer|
"am inceput ca dj in 2000 tot pe litoral (vox maris, costinesti)" a mixat la cateva evenimente importante cum ar fi cele 2 editii "freedom festival" si in foarte multe cluburi din tara..........
Cu ocazia implinirii unui an, la Green Pub Baia Mare distractia a inceput ca de obicei cu DJ Rhay, dupa care a intrat la mixaj DJ Sava, deja celebru in industria muzicala autohtona si care si-a consolidat renumele dupa ce, la inceputul anului 2008, Consiliul National al Audiovizualui (CNA) a oprit difuzarea clipului ”Sunshine”, realizat de acesta in colaborare cu Connect R.
Melodia este inclusa pe albumul ”Love Drops”, lansat de DJ Sava in octombrie 2007 si a fost cenzurata pentru pasajul ”fuck everybody, let’s get high”, care, in opinia membrilor CNA, ar incuraja consumul de droguri.
Dj Sava s-a simtit ca acasa in Green Pub si a mixat pana in zori, spre deliciul celor care au umplut clubul. Atmosfera a fost incendiara nu doar la figurat, ci si la propriu din cauza aerului conditionat care nu prea si-a facut datoria. Caldura si aglomeratia din Green Pub nu a deranjat pe nimeni, mai ales ca lumea a venit cu chef de distractie ca sa sarbatoreasca fie aniversarea clubului, luarea bac-ului ori licentei sau pur si simplu sa ”salute” venirea vacantei de vara.
Romanian music – Summer 2010 dance hits part
Romanians have long ago started to play songs with English lyrics- and sometimes even went for more exotic languages: Portuguese, Brasilian. The sound is sometimes so good that you can’t tell from a first audition whether it is a Romanian or a foreign song. There are several Romanian-born songs which became top of the list this summer on radio shows and in clubs. Here are the first three of them.
Dj Sava ft. Raluka- I like the trumpet
DJ Sava and Raluka launched the song ‘I like the trumpet’ in spring this year. The song was catchy so it stayed in local tops for the last two months.
DJ Sava started out as a DJ in the 90s in Buzau and on the Romanian seaside since 2006. He has remixed in the opening of concerts such as Tiesto, Tom Novy and Noir, among others. Previous songs launched by DJ Sava include Sunshine ft. Connect-R and September ft. Raluka.
Narcotic Sound, Christian D. and Matteo – Mamasita
You might have heard this (sometimes) annoying song Mamasita. For non-Portuguese speakers, the song might as well be sung by a Portuguese… but it’s a group of Romanians who’ve done the work.
The song was launched in September last year – when it seems most radios turned it down. Now you can hear it on all radios in Romania.
Narcotic sound is made of two Romanian producers, Marius Mirica (aka Mariuu) and Mihai Constantin (known as Mym). They have composed songs for various other artists on the local market.
For this song, they joined forces with Christian D. and Matteo, two other Romanian singers.
Listen below to the catchy song.
Chris Mayer & Connect-R – Still
Another one you have surely heard in the dance club. Chris Mayer is a producer, DJ and piano player. He has created Rappin’On Production together with Connect-R and Nick Kamarera.
Connect-R – his real name is Stefan Mihalache- is a 28-year old Romanian singer. His previous songs include Murderer and Surrender.
Incurajat de primul succes al colaborarii cu Connect-R la piesa “Sunshine”, Dj Sava tocmai a incheiat filmarile unui nou videoclip produs de Music Vision Entertainment, regie si imagine Florin Botea.Piesa “The Reason” este primul extras pe single de pe viitorul material semnat DJ Sava; albumul urmeaza sa fie lansat primavara viitoare si va contine colaborari cu artisti de marca din industria muzicala romaneasca si internationala.
Atat versurile cat si videoclipul piesei transmit un mesaj pacifist, tratand diferite situatii conflictuale cotidiene, cu concluzia « We are only one love away from peace ».
Dj Sava impreuna cu staff-ul Music Vision Entertainment spera ca single-ul “The Reason” sa depaseasca succesul piesei “Sunshine”, piesa care i-a adus artistului un contract cu renumitul label Ministry of Sound precum si titlul de “Best Dj Hit” la Romanian Top Hits 2008.
Premiera videoclipului “The Reason” va avea loc in cursul saptamanii viitoare atat pe micile ecrane cat si online.
DJ Sava
DJ Sava, on his real name Constantin Sava, is a Romanian DJ born on 03.04.1973. He started to mix in 1990 in his home town, Buzau, and after working for some clubs on the Romanian seaside, he launched his first single in 2005.
Since 2005 the DJ Sava’s name became more present in the Romanian charts and from 2009, with the single "September" in the international charts.
The newest single from DJ Sava & Raluk – "I like the trompet" has been received very well by the fans and promises to became a hit.
DJ Sava … great, great Romanian Music|
You know, there is a word that says … “the success comes once but you prepare a life (or anyway some good years, too) for this”. And when the success comes after some intermediary phases usually lasts many years.
First, when I heard this song – Sunshine … below is a remix which features DJ Sava and ConnectR I couldn’t believe that is Romanian. But, in the end I got along with the music success of “our people” so I said – great, another extraordinary tune.
Check out this remix:
… and the original version:
Having a keen interest in music, DJ Sava began his career as a dj in 1990, when the first taste of playing to a crowd was given to him: Disco Vox Maris, Costinesti, at the Black Sea. From this beginning, DJ Sava played an important number of gigs around the country, wowed clubs and captivated dance floors by mixing along in important house events like “Freedom Festival”. At the present time he is undoubtedly a very well known dj, producer and remixer, representing one of the major labels in his country, “MusicVision”. His first single, as a producer, was “Gone Away”, a great track, which succeeded to become a hit, and also to get in the charts and playlists of great international djs like: Joachim Garraud, J Joy, Santos etc. After spending a year perfecting his producer skills, his label decided to release DJ Sava’s first album: “Love Drops”, and first video “I Remember” (feat. Dana Nicula), played by different music televisions in Europe (MTV, Kiss TV etc) and included it in their charts on top positions, by visitor’s vote. “Love Drops” is a very comlpex album, which includes also collaborations with important artists and songwriters: Dj Andi, Activ, Lucian Barbulesu, Connect-R, Chris Mayer, Adrian K etc. This autumn finds DJ Sava in the middle of filming his new video for “Sunshine” (feat. Connect-R), a new single with a different and spectacular new sound and vibes. Major djs like: Angel Anx, Treitl Hammond and very soon Djuma SoundSystem, have already remixed this new single, included it in their playlists, and commented it as “a real top hit”. Despite all his producer activities, DJ Sava, constantly returns to where it all began, namely in the clubs to his fans. You can visit his official website and MySpace Page.
Connect R made his debut in the Romanian hip-hop in 1997 through the band Giganzii. The first song was called Observ, taken from the compilation Real Hip-Hop. In 1998 is edited a new edition of the same compilation which contains the song Operatia pe cord deschis. The song had also a video which was broadcasted at MCM Romania in the period of tv station’s launch.
Connect R is known as part of the R.A.C.L.A. hip-hop band but also due to the various collaborations with important names from the Romanian music like Simona Nae, Arsenium, Loredana and Alex.
In 2000 Connect-R works with R.A.C.L.A. on the albums Plus Infinit and Patratul Rosu and after these teamed up with Rimaru to be part of the project which issued the album DEXteritate.
In 2007 Connect-R has decided to come back with a new album which is the result of two years of work and all the songs keep the R&B feeling which is his favourite music. The album contains 11 songs, some of them being in cooperation with Alex, Smiley, Matteo and Don Baxter.|
The first single from the album – Daca dragostea dispare follows the hit featuring Alex – Daca dragostea dispare, the 2nd single from the album Yamasha.
I am happy to include DJ Sava & Connect-R in the Romanians of the Day section.
Dupa ce in urma cu aproximativ o luna si jumatate a lansat online hitul ?I like (The Trumpet)? ce numara deja mult peste jumatate de milion de vizualizari cumulate pe Youtube, Dj Sava revine in atentia fanilor si ascultatorilor sai cat si a pasionatilor genului lansand online pachetul de remixuri pentru ?I like (The Trumpet)?.
Printre cunoscutii dji ce au semnat remixuri pentru noul hit semnat Dj Sava & Raluka se numara Emil Lassaria, Moving Elements, Treitl Hammond, Allexinno, Vanotek si LLP si in curand se va lansa si remixul produs de Deepside Deejays.
Piesele au fost uploadate direct pe profilul oficial de Youtube al dj-ului, acolo unde fanii pot gasi mereu toate aparitiile tv ale acestuia si video-uri din numeroasele show-uri sustinute atat in tara cat si in strainatate. De asemenea pachetul de remixuri poate fi downloadat si de pe situl oficial al lui Dj Sava la urmatorul link:
Si pentru ca orice lansare Dj Sava vine si cu o surpriza, special pentru aceasta ocazie echipa dj-ului a finalizat coperta oficiala a single-ului ?I like (The Trumpet)? dovedind inca odata profesionalismul si dorinta de implicare in mediul online si respectul pentru o comunicare cat mai atenta cu toti cei care ii asculta muzica.
Desi agenda sa este incarcata de show-uri in Romania dar si in strainatate (Dj Sava & Raluka urmand a concerta atat la Bruxelles cat si in Torino) cei doi isi fac timp si pentru a lansa diverse surprize muzicale pentru fani. Printre acestea se numara pachetul de remixuri ?I like (The Trumpet)? dar si varianta re-worked a celui mai important hit Dj Sava: ?Sunshine? ? piesa lansata astazi intr-o noua varianta, de club, re-inregistrata cu vocea Ralukai sub denumirea de Sunshine 2010.
In curand se va filma si un videoclip pentru ?I like (The Trumpet)? cu un concept ce se anunta pe cat de original pe atat de sexy si ce va avea ca element muzical central? trompeta! Pana atunci insa dj-ul isi indeamna toti fanii sa asculte pachetul de remixuri sau sa il downloadeze direct de pe situl sau oficial.
DJ Sava & Raluca - Sunshine 2010
Zuletzt aktualisiert am Mittwoch, den 13. Oktober 2010 um 18:54 UhrGeschrieben von: moderatorMittwoch, den 13. Oktober 2010 um 17:53 Uhr
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