Alexandra Stan - Biography; Photos, Pictures, Videos, NEWS, Articles
About MeAlexandra Stan was born on June 10, 1989 in Constanta (Gemini). He attended High School studiilela Trajan was born in the city and is now second year student of Management laFacultatea Andrei Saguna. He participated in various musical competitions oaparitie notable themes in Mamaia Festival interpretare.Acum section 20 years in a summer day my mother fell in love with names like Alexandra and I are devenitcine Alexandra Stan. What can I say about me is that I'm a passionate nature pasionatade fine art. rn|
Music has been and remains my first love since the age of 3 years candm I met my first muse: little mermaid Ariel. So I discovered the side inclination towards music when she was present in cation until the day of my life has completely embraced the music industry mine.Intrarea I did it because the boys from Maan Studio (Marcel Prodan siAndrei Nemirschi) being those who believed in me most aduncandu me in their team. Now you are my best friends and we also work in studio envy and outside it. This site allows me to interact and befriend me and I hope that we ajungela as good friends:) I know you will like me and hope to see you live very soon, until then you will find more portions of songs about me My future, all inspired by the life mea.Va pup: * Alexandra Stan was born on June 10, 1989 in Constanta (Gemini). He studied at the Lyceum in the city of Trajan was born and is now second year student at the Faculty of Management Andrei Saguna. He participated in various music-related contests with a notable appearance at the Mamaia Festival section interpretation.
20 years ago in a summer day my mother fell in love with names like Alexandra and I became who I am: Alexandra Stan. What can I say about me is that I'm a passionate nature and passionate about fine art. Music has been and remains my first love since the age of 3 years when I met my first muse: little mermaid Ariel. So I discovered my inclination towards music and then it was present in cation until the day of my life has totally embraced me. Entering the music industry because I did the guys from Maan Studio (Marcel Prodan and Andrei Nemirschi) are the ones who believed in me most aduncandu me in their team. Now they are my best friends and have an enviable working both in studio and outside. This site allows me to interact and befriend me and I hope that we get as good friends
I know you will like me and hope to see you live very soon, until then you will learn more about me in my future songs, all inspired by my life.
We kiss SOURCE
20 years ago in a summer day my mother fell in love with names like Alexandra and I became who I am: Alexandra Stan. What can I say about me is that I'm a passionate nature and passionate about fine art. Music has been and remains my first love since the age of 3 years when I met my first muse: little mermaid Ariel. So I discovered my inclination towards music and then it was present in cation until the day of my life has totally embraced me. Entering the music industry because I did the guys from Maan Studio (Marcel Prodan and Andrei Nemirschi) are the ones who believed in me most aduncandu me in their team. Now they are my best friends and have an enviable working both in studio and outside. This site allows me to interact and befriend me and I hope that we get as good friends
I know you will like me and hope to see you live very soon, until then you will learn more about me in my future songs, all inspired by my life.
We kiss SOURCE
Alexandra Stan s-a nascut la data de 10 iunie 1989 in Constanta (zodia Gemeni). A urmat studiilela Liceul Teoretic Traian din orasul in care s-a nascut si acum este studenta in anul II laFacultatea de Management Andrei Saguna. A participat la diferite concursuri pe teme muzicale cu oaparitie notabila la Festivalul de la Mamaia sectiunea interpretare.rn|
Acum 20 de ani intr-o zi de vara mama mea s-a indragostit de numele de Alexandra si asa am devenitcine sunt: Alexandra Stan. Ce va pot spune despre mine este ca sunt o fire pasionala si pasionatade artele frumoase. Muzica a fost si a ramas prima mea dragoste inca de la varsta de 3 ani candm-am intalnit cu prima mea muza: mica sirena Ariel. Asa mi-am descoprit inclinatia spre muzica side atunci ea a fost prezenta in ficare zi din viata mea pana cand a pus stapanire complet pe mine.Intrarea in industria muzicala am facut-o datorita baietilor de la MAAN Studio (Marcel Prodan siAndrei Nemirschi) fiind cei care au crezut cel mai mult in mine aduncandu-ma in echipa lor. Acumei sunt cei mai buni prieteni ai mei si avem o colaborare de invidiat atat in studio cat si inafara lui. Acest site imi permite sa comunic si sa ma imprietenesc si cu voi sperand ca vom ajungela fel de buni prieteni :)Stiu ca o sa va placa de mine si sper sa ne vedem cat mai curand live, pana atunci veti afla maimulte despre mine din melodiile mele viitoare, toate fiind inspirate din viata mea.Va pup :*Alexandra Stan s-a nascut la data de 10 iunie 1989 in Constanta (zodia Gemeni). A urmat studiile la Liceul Teoretic Traian din orasul in care s-a nascut si acum este studenta in anul II la Facultatea de Management Andrei Saguna. A participat la diferite concursuri pe teme muzicale cu o aparitie notabila la Festivalul de la Mamaia sectiunea interpretare.rn|
Acum 20 de ani intr-o zi de vara mama mea s-a indragostit de numele de Alexandra si asa am devenit cine sunt: Alexandra Stan. Ce va pot spune despre mine este ca sunt o fire pasionala si pasionata de artele frumoase. Muzica a fost si a ramas prima mea dragoste inca de la varsta de 3 ani cand m-am intalnit cu prima mea muza: mica sirena Ariel. Asa mi-am descoperit inclinatia spre muzica si de atunci ea a fost prezenta in ficare zi din viata mea pana cand a pus stapanire complet pe mine. Intrarea in industria muzicala am facut-o datorita baietilor de la MAAN Studio (Marcel Prodan si Andrei Nemirschi) fiind cei care au crezut cel mai mult in mine aduncandu-ma in echipa lor. Acum ei sunt cei mai buni prieteni ai mei si avem o colaborare de invidiat atat in studio cat si in afara lui. Acest site imi permite sa comunic si sa ma imprietenesc si cu voi sperand ca vom ajunge la fel de buni prieteni
Stiu ca o sa va placa de mine si sper sa ne vedem cat mai curand live, pana atunci veti afla mai multe despre mine din melodiile mele viitoare, toate fiind inspirate din viata mea.
Va pup SURSA
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New Single Alexandra Stan
Dupa succesul avut in aceasta vara cu hit-ul Lollipop, frumusicaAlexandra Stan si-a lansat de curand in online cea mai noua piesa a sa.Piesa se intituleaza Energy, un sound ce urmeaza cu strictete aceleasi influente de house-clubbing cu care ne-a obisnuit Alexandra + ceva tente de electro.Pe mine personal ma incanta mai mult Energy decat Lollipop, poate pentru ca incearca si ceva in plus (stilul electro).Oricum sunt sigur ca in cluburi vrn|