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Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Groups Call Obama to Reverse Gay Marriage Stance

Groups Call Obama to Reverse Gay Marriage Stance

Christian leaders are calling on President Barack Obama to reverse his support for same-sex marriage.

They say his "evolution" on the matter will weaken the institution of marriage and ultimately hurt his chances for re-election, especially among blacks and Hispanics.

They believe traditional marriage will suffer by ratifying same-sex marriage, citing research that supports the benefits of children growing up in homes with a mother and father, using the first family as an example.

"I suspect he's a very good father to his two daughters," Jim Garlow from Renewing American Leadership.

"From all that I know, his wife is a wonderful mother to the two daughters. I would pose the question to the president, 'Which one is unimportant, father or mother?'" he asked.

The coalition is holding a 40-day fast, beginning on June 1, to ask God to bring moral healing to America.

"When you counterfeit something, you cheapen the value of it," Christ Covenant Coalition's Bishop Joseph Mattera. "And by counterfeiting marriage with alternate definitions of it, you actually weaken it."

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Posted by: Daniel Ioan Notar *DJ_DANY*

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