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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012

„Hallo! Ich freue mich, dass du dir gerade mein Profil anschaust !!! Bin gespannt was mich hier erwartet..!

Informaţii pentru profil

Cati ani ai ?
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Tara si Localitatea
Lübeck Hansestadt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Cu ce te ocupi?
Handwerkern,Tischler,Industrie,Produktion - DJ Radiomoderator
Crestin sau Ne-Crestin?
Crestin, Baptist
WebDesigner, Grafiker, Fotograf.DJ,Radio Moderator,IT ,Softwareentwickler,Musik Produzent "Web Load .Programierer,
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.♥.
Come to Jesus †
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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.♥¸.••*)♥ ♥

Walk with Jesus
„Hallo! Ich freue mich, dass du dir gerade mein Profil anschaust !!!

Bin gespannt was mich hier erwartet..!

Single! aber Ich suche nicht.Ich lass mich finden

Ich bin der Daniel 36 Jahre alt, Ich komme aus Rumänien,und wohne ich in (Lübeck-Deutscland) seit 2002..

Ich bin manchmal zurückhaltend,kann aber auch frech werden...
Lache gern und unterhalte mich am liebsten über alles mögliche.

DJ,Designer, Grafiker, Fotograf,web Radio Moderator

Ich suche nette chatfreunde.bin humorvoll,treu,ehrlich,und wenn ihr wissen wollt dann meldet euch doch einfach. Ich lache sehr gerne und unterhalte mich am liebsten über Musik, Arbeit , Beziehung, Gott und die Welt.

man trifft mich auf dem arbeit, auch unterwegs
aber meistens zu Hause.

Ich mag
gemütliche Abende, Spaziergänge oder Radtouren,
backen, kochen und genießen

Ich mag auch Leute , mit denen ich mich über das Leben unterhalten kann, die Humor haben, mit dennen ich viel Lachen kann und die nicht nur auf das äußere achten und denen ich vertrauen kann!!

Am liebsten mach ich Ausflüge in die Natur, fahre Fahrrad oder geh Wandern und staune dabei wie wunderbar Gott die Natur geschaffen hat.

ich bin ein sehr fröhlicher und offener Mensch .
Wenn ihr Fragen habt, fragt nur!!

liebe grüsse LG Dany
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch
Freu mich natürlich über eure Nachrichten

Animated Fish Christian Pictures, Images and Photosjesus fish Pictures, Images and Photos


Meine Autobiographie, wie ich zum Glauben fand" " ÜBER MICH " *DJ_DANY* Biografie

"Meine Autobiographie, wie ich zum Glauben fand"

Mein Name ist Daniel, ich bin 34 Jahre alt und wurde am 10.09.1976 in Hunedoara in Rumänien geboren. Ich habe in Hetiur, einem Dorf nahe der Stadt Sighisoara im Bezirk Mures gelebt. Meine Eltern sind seit meiner Kindheit geschieden. Ich wurde dann auch von meinen Großeltern großgezogen. Mein Vater lebt seitdem mit einer anderen Frau zusammen, mit der er 1 Kind hat. Einige Jahre später bekehrte sich meine Mutter und betete fortan für mich. Sie lebt jetzt noch immer in Rumänien und dient dem Herrn.
Als ich in der 7.ten Klasse war, bin ich einmal in eine Schlägerei gekommen. Ein anderer Junge hatte mich mit der Faust in den Magen gehauen und das tat sehr weh. Ich wiederum wehrte mich und schlug ihn mit der Faust ins Gesicht und voll auf die Nase und dann fiel der Junge bewusstlos um. Er stand wohl ca. 8-10 Minuten nicht wieder auf. Ich war so sehr erschrocken darüber und dachte, ich habe ihn umgebracht. Ich war wie paralysiert und konnte mich kaum bewegen.
Der Junge wurde von anderen Schülern wiederbelebt, Schließlich stand er auf. Da war ich aber mehr als erleichtert und dankte und lobte Gott,daß ich ihn nicht umgebracht hatte.
Ich ging nach der 8.ten Klasse von der Schule und wollte die 9.te nicht mehr machen, weil ich Geld verdienen wollte. Ich log meine Mutter an und erzählte, ich habe das Examen für die 9.te Klasse nicht geschafft und so ging ich zur Arbeit, während meine Schulkollegen zur Schule gingen und verdiente Geld. Später war es nicht mehr leicht, die Schule zu besuchen und so arbeite ich stets, aber dadurch ist es auch nicht so einfach im Berufsleben.
Gleich nach der Revolution kamen viele Gläubige nach Rumänien. In unser Dorf kamen
viele Missionare aus Amerika, so dass auch ich eingeladen wurde, an ihren Versammlungen teilzunehmen. Aber ich sagte ihnen, dass ich nicht kommen möchte, weil ich ein junger Mann bin und mein Leben anders leben möchte. Ich liebte das weltliche Leben und wurde Dj in verschiedenen rumänischen Discotheken. Das war mein Leben. Ich erinnere mich, als Jugendlicher war ich auch einmal auf einer sehr großen Party und wir kamen in eine Schlägerei, so dass die Polizei geholt wurde. Sie fragten uns nach unseren Päßen und ich log sie an, weil ich Angst hatte, nannte ich einen falschen Namen und eine falsche Adresse. Nach 3 Monaten kam meine Lüge raus, die Polizisten fanden mich. Und dann schlugen sie mich, das war bei uns in Rumänien erlaubt. Ich bat um Verzeihung und wollte den Polizisten als Entschädigung Alkohol und Geld geben, aber sie nahmen es nicht an. Es blieb bei den Schlägen von den Polizisten und dann ließen sie mich frei.

Nach einiger Zeit, ging ich jedoch zu ihrer Versammlung. Ich gab allen amerikanischen Gläubigen die Hand sowohl Männer, als auch Frauen.
Bei uns in der Familie war niemand gläubig. Meine Mutter war die Erste und sie bat mich oft, ich solle doch auch zur Versammlung kommen. Aber ich wollte nicht, weil ich zu jung war und mein Leben genießen wollte.
Dann ging ich doch mit zu den Versammlungen, zudem bekam ich von den Amerikanern auch eine Bibel geschenkt, ich las darin, verstand aber überhaupt nichts..
Nach ca. 4-5 Monaten erreichte mich eines Abends eine Predigt. Der Prediger gab eine tiefe Botschaft und fragte zum Schluss, wer sich bekehren möchte, der stehe von seinem Stuhl auf um Gott die Ehre zu geben. Ich tat das und bekehrte mich, sofort kam eine große Freude in mein Herz, die ich bis dahin nicht kannte. Ich wurde ein glücklicher Mensch und ich bekehrte mich zu Gott als der größte Sünder aus Rumänien.
Am 2. Tag begann ich auf der Arbeit meinen Arbeitskollegen von meiner Bekehrung zu erzählen.
Alle lachten über mich und machten sich lustig und lästerten hinter meinem Rücken. In der Pause las ich immer die Bibel. Und so stärkte ich mich im 'Glauben. Ich las dann im(Jakobus1 1 - 4: Brüder trachtet es für lauter Freude, wenn ihr in Anfechtung geratet, denn wisset, dass Euer Glaube, wenn er geprüft wird Geduld wirkt, auf das ihr vollkommen seid so ihr in der Anfechtung ausharret.) Dieses Wort erfüllte sich auf meiner Arbeitsstelle: Ich erinnere mich, dass die anderen Kollegen mir in den Pausen Pornokarten, Alkoholflaschen und leere Zigarettenverpackungen in meine Tasche legten. Sie lachten sich kaputt über mich und ich sagte gar nichts. Ich liebte Christus mehr und hielt es für Freude angefeindet zu werden.
Nachdem ich mich bekehrt hatte, wollte ich mit allem Weltlichen abbrechen und nahm alle Musikkassetten und Schallplatten; weltliche Literatur und Filme einschließlich den Fernseher
zusammen: Dann machte ich bei uns im Garten ein großes Feuer und verbrannte alles, um dann diese vertane Zeit in Zukunft für den Herrn zu leben:

Nach meiner Bekehrung zu Jesus Christus als Jugendlicher hatte ich die gleichen Kämpfe, wie sie alle Jugendliche mit der Sexualität haben. Ich wollte den Geist Gottes in meinem Herzen nicht betrüben. Immer wenn ich ein schwach bekleidetes Mädchen auf der Straße sah, senkte ich den Kopf nach unten und begann mich mit anderen Dingen zu beschäftigen, um nicht zu sündigen. (So wie es auch David tat, er wollte nichts Böses vor seinen Augen gelten lassen). Und so bekam ich Sieg über die Anfechtung.
(Selig ist, wer die Anfechtung erträgt, denn nachdem sie ertragen wurde werden wir die Krone des Lebens erlangen.)
Mit 17 Jahren wurde ich bei uns im Dorf Prediger in unserer Gemeinde, und da ließ ich mich taufen und das war eine schöne Zeit. Wir hatten in unserer Gemeinde jeden Sonntagmorgen und abends Versammlung. Während der Woche trafen wir uns jeden Morgen um 5.00 Uhr zur Gebetsstunde. Ich stand jeden Morgen um 4.00 Uhr auf und ging dann zum Morgengebet. Während ich zur Versammlung ging, traf ich meistens Jugendliche in meinem Alter, sie waren betrunken oder vergnügten sich mit den Mädchen und schrien mich an, weil ich die Bibel in der Hand hatte. Ich sah die jungen Leute, wie sie sich miteinander vergnügten aber ich wollte nicht hinsehen, denn ich erinnerte mich an den Bibelvers, Ich werde nichts sündiges vor meine Augen lassen, und sah weg, um den Lüsten der Jugend zu entfliehen.
Bei den Gebetsstunden war ich oft sehr müde und schlief sogar manchmal ein. Dann weckten die anderen Gläubigen mich auf. Nach dem Gebet ging ich jedoch gestärkt zur Arbeit. Gott hat mich erquickt.
Auch mit 17 Jahren machte ich für andere Heiratswillige Jugendliche ein Bibelstudium als Vorbereitung 0in unseren Versammlungen hielten. Doch sie weigerten sich und wollten nicht. So wurde ich der Hausmann: Ich machte sauber, wischen, staubsaugen und alles und von dem 10ten Teil für den Herrn fingen wir langsam an, ein eigenen Versammlungsraum zu bauen und da wurde ich später als Prediger eingesetzt.
Für die Predigten bereitete ich mich stets gut vor. Eine 2-stündige Predigt zb. wurde von mir ca. 8 Stunden vorbereitet. Ich las an meinem Tisch die Bibel und benutzte Christliche Bücher zu besseren Verständnis; um mir Notizen zur Predigt zu machen. Vor Jeder Predigt kniete ich vorm Rednerpult nieder, betete und bat Gott um Worte und Weisheit für die Predigt. So wurde ich voll der Liebe und Güte Gottes. Ich brauchte keine Freunde, Weltliebe usw.: Meine Freude war der Herr. Es kamen auch andere Leute; um zu hören die Predigten.
1999 arbeitete ich in einer Firma, die Alteisen bearbeitete. Mein Chef war sehr zufrieden mit mir, weil ich pünktlich und zuverlässig war und nicht rauchte. Und alles was er mir zu Arbeiten gab, tat ich und er wusste zudem, dass ich Christ war, aber er sagte nichts gegen den Glauben sondern er war beindruckt von mir. In der gleichen Firma arbeitete ein Adventist (7-Tage Adventisten-Gemeinde). Manchmal waren Meinungsverschiedenheiten wegen des Glaubens zwischen uns. Er hatte Familie und war Chauffeur in der Firma. Aber man merkte nicht, dass er gläubig war. Er fluchte und benahm sich oft schlecht. Oftmals, wenn er unterwegs war mit dem Firmenwagen nahm er die Frauen von der Straße und amüsierte sich mit ihnen. Einmal haben wir direkt neben seinem Haus gearbeitet. Und dann sah ich wie eines seiner Kinder eine Sexzeitung im Haus fand und damit schnell zu seiner Mutter gelaufen ist. Am Mittag hat er alle Mitarbeiter zu sich nach Hause eingeladen. Wir aßen zusammen und dann kam seine Frau mit dieser Sexzeitung und warf sie auf den Tisch und sagte zu uns: Seht mal meine lieben Herren, was für einen Mann ich habe. Dann schämte er sich. Mein Chef gefiel mir sehr gut. Und eines Tages sprach er mich wegen des Glaubens an. Er wollte gerne, dass ich den Führerschein für den LKW mache, um für die Firma der Fahrer zu werden
Ich erinnere mich, dass ich in der Zeit viel Mission auf der Straße gemacht habe. Und manchmal verteilte ich auch kleine Bibeln für Gefängnisinsassen. Ich verteilte viele Traktate. Mein größter Wunsch jedoch war, als Missionar wegzugehen, weil ich so das Evangelium verstanden habe, dass wir in die Welt gehen sollen, um das Evangelium zu predigen.( Jesus Christus selbst, sagt in der Heiligen Schrift,: Gehet hin in alle Welt und predigt das Evangelium aller Welt, wer glaubt und getauft wird soll errettet werden, wer aber nicht glaubt, wird verloren sein.(Markus 16,16) Ich verteilte viele Traktate in verschiedenen Städten in Bus und Bahn mit dem Stempel von unserer Gemeinde. Später bekam unsere Gemeinde mehrere Briefe von Menschen, die diese Traktate gelesen und daraufhin angesprochen, nachdenklich oder sogar eine Entscheidung für Christus getan hatten. Dafür sei dem Herrn Lob und Dank. Da die Amerikaner viel Geld in christliche Literatur UndTraktate gesteckt haben, tat ich diesen Dienst weiter. Aber bei uns in Rumänien sind die Leute auch offener für das Evangelium, bedingt durch die große Armut. In westlichen Ländern, wie z. b. Deutschland ist das leider anders. Bei uns in den Kirchen kommen die Prediger z. T. mit Gummistiefeln von der Arbeit und sie haben kein Geld für normale Straßenschuhe. Das ist Armut, aber sie suchen Gott.
Ich erinnere mich weiter, dass ich bei uns im Dorf und in der nächst größeren Stadt mit einer Liste unterwegs war. Ich ging von Haus zu Haus und erzählte den Menschen von Jesus Christus. Wenn jemand nicht zu Hause war, dann machte ich auf der Liste ein Zeichen, damit ich dann noch einmal dort hinging.
In unserem Dorf lebte auch ein orthodoxer Pfarrer. Auch ihm wollte ich die Liebe Gottes durch Jesus weitergeben, denn auch sein Blut würde der Herr von meiner Hand fordern, so steht es geschrieben. Als ich bei ihm klingelte und ihm von meiner Bekehrung erzählte, wurde er immer wütender und sagte mir, er sei Theologe und ist Schriftgelehrter mit Studium. Ich war nur ein armer junger Mann, der durch Christus reich im Herzen wurde und der Pfarrer schmiss mich raus. Alle Nachbarn sahen das. Und dann schrie er noch hinter mir her, ich sei von einer Sekte. Er warnte alle anderen Nachbarn, die zum größten Teil Orthodox sind, dass sie bloß nicht in unsere Sekte gehen sollten.
Das wiederholte sich auch in anderen Städten und Dörfern. Die orthodoxen Pfarrer waren die schlimmsten Feinde. Sie halten die Menschen ab, zum Glauben zu kommen und hauen einem die Bibel auf den Kopf und werden sogar gewalttätig. Aber trotzdem haben einige zum Glauben gefunden.
Eines Tages, als ich zusammen mit einem amerikanischen Bruder beim Austeilen der Traktate und der christlichen Literatur war, trafen wir unter anderem auch einen Polizisten. Wir gaben auch ihm eine kleine Bibel und erzählten von der Liebe Gottes. Aber er regte sich fürchterlich auf, warum wir ihm eine Bibel gegeben haben und haute dem amerikanischen Bruder eine Ohrfeige und der Bruder bot ihm auch die andere Backe hin, denn so steht es geschrieben. Wir dankten Gott für die Ohrfeige und die Probleme und Versuchungen und gingen fröhlich weiter.In den Himmel kommt man nicht mit Blumen, wenn andere sich geopfert haben, so heißt es in einem Lied.
Leider wurde ich auch des Öfteren von der Anfechtung und Versuchung besiegt. Ich wollte für andere kein Anstoß zur Sünde sein, als Prediger. Aber ich war jung und nicht verheiratet. So erinnere ich mich, dass ich mich einmal mit einem anderen amerikanischen Prediger, der auch nicht verheiratet war und auch in sexuelle Anfechtung geriet, so nahm einen Stock und schlug sein Fleisch, nur um nicht zu sündigen. So wollte ich es auch tun. Denn ich war in der ersten Liebe zu Christus und fing an mein Fleisch auf dieselbe Art und Weise zu züchtigen, wenn die Anfechtung und Versuchung kam, nur um nicht zu sündigen.
Einmal habe ich mit einem geistlichen Bruder über mein sexuelles Problem gesprochen und ihm meine Sünden kekannt. Dann haben wir gebetet und er hat dann alles in einer Predigt erzählt und die Leute haben sich nicht erkannt im Lichte Gottes und sich über mich amüsiert und so wurde ich ganz deprimiert und immer schwermütiger und wurde verschlossen.

Als Jugendlicher arbeitete ich in einer Schneiderei. Dort wurden Hemden genäht. Jeder saß an einer Maschine und fertigte Teile für die Hemden an. Einer die Ärmel, einer die Kragen und einer die Vorder- und Rückseiten.
Dort arbeiteten fast nur Frauen, ca. 300, ich war der einzigste Mann zwischen den ganzen Frauen und nähte auch meine Teile in Akkord. Als Einzigster Mann,es waren sonst nur einige Techniker für die Elektrizität dort beschäftigt.
Als Mann allein und nicht verheiratet und ein Christ saß ich zwischen den ganzen Frauen und sie redeten den ganzen Tag nur über das Thema Sex. Viele Mädchen wollten gerne, dass ich ihr Freund sein sollte. Aber ich wollte nicht. Eine Frau neben mir, erzählte mir oft von ihren Problemen mit ihrem Mann und ihrer Familie. Sie brachte mir jeden Morgen ein Glas Saft mit auf die Arbeit und wollte sich von ihrem Mann scheiden lassen und mich heiraten. Aber ich wollte das nicht. So hatte ich viele Anfechtungen zu ertragen, aber ich bekam auch den Sieg. Das Wort Gottes lehrt uns, dass wir keine Gemeinschaft mit den Ungläubigen haben sollen und auch nicht Ungläubige heiraten sollen. Und das war mein Standpunkt.
Silvester wurden wir von der Firma eingeladen zum Feiern. Wir gingen alle dorthin. Ich zog einen schönen Anzug an, und ging auch hin. Alle waren schon versammelt, als ich eingetreten bin. Dann sahen die Kolleginnen mich an und wollten, dass ich bei Ihnen sitze. Ich setzte mich neben sie und alle boten mir von ihrem Kuchen etwas an. Dann gab es eine große Party. Dann wollten die Mädchen alle mit mir tanzen: Ich wollte absolut nicht: Aber sie drängten mich bis ich nachgab. Ich tanzte mit Ihnen und danach hatte ich große Gewissenskonflikte, denn als Missionar und Prediger wusste ich, dass die Sünde war.
In unserer Stadt gab es eine christliche Bücherei. Ich ging dort oft hin, lieh Bücher und Kassetten und brachte diese danach zurück. Einige Bücher und Kassetten kaufte ich auch. Ich las viele Zeugnisse von Missionaren und auch ein Buch von Hudson Taler, der ein Missionar in China war: Sein Buch wurde mir zum Segen und ich bekam den brennenden Wunsch, in die Mission nach China zu gehen. Ich verzichtete fiel auf gutes Essen und andere Wünsche, um mich geistlich mit diesen Büchern zu versorgen und auch welche zu kaufen: Als Prediger und Christ hatte ich Hunger nach Gottes Wort und las die Bibel und ernährte mich geistlich von diesen Büchern.

Ich betete oft zu Gott, dass er mir eine Frau nach seinem Willen geben möge, mit der ich dem Herrn dienen konnte. Auch wenn sie von einem anderen Land komme, dass wir uns kennen lernen. Und ich betete auch, dass Gott noch andere Missionare schicken möge, mit denen ich das Evangelium weitergeben kann.
Eines Tages gingen einige Arbeitskollegen während der Pause auf den Markt, um Lebensmittel zu kaufen. Als sie zurückkamen erzählten sie mir, dass sie auf dem Markt eine Gruppe mit Gitarren gesehen haben, die vom Glauben singen. Ich dachte sofort, dass das Missionare sind und ging hin, um zu gucken. Es war tatsächlich so. Ich ging hin, fand die Gruppe singend mit Gitarre. Sie waren keine Rumänen, aber luden zu einer Evangelisation im Kulturhaus ein. Ich unterhielt mich mit der rumänischen Übersetzerin und ging zur Evangelisation. Nach der Predigt unterhielt ich mich mit dem Prediger und seiner Übersetzerin und erzählte ihm, dass ich schon lange für Missionare bete und bereit bin alles zu lassen, um in die Mission zu gehen. Dann sagte der Prediger mir, Du bist der Mann, den wir suchen.
Später dann von 1999 bis 2002 bin ich zusammen mit meiner Mutter mit dieser Gruppe aus Deutschland durch Rumänien von Stadt zu Stadt gezogen, um Mission zu machen und den Menschen von Jesus Christus zu bezeugen. Dafür haben wir unser Haus für einige Zeit vermietet und uns Urlaub genommen. Im August 2002

Später bin ich dann wie der verlorene Sohn in die Welt gegangen. Ich habe mich von Gott abgewandt. In meiner Stadt in Deutschland, wo ich wohne leben nicht viele Rumänen und so fühlte ich mich manchmal doch fremd, obwohl meine Familie mich sehr liebte, aber es war Ausland. Wir lebten wie eine gläubige Familie und besuchten auch Gottesdienste zusammen. Meine Frau blieb beim Glauben, weil das ihr Halt und ihr Glück waren. Später kauften wir uns einen Computer und nahmen auch Internet dazu. Dadurch bin ich sehr gerutscht. Ich suchte mir viele rumänische Chatfreunde und verbrachte meine freie Zeit nur vor dem PC. Ich wurde von dem Chatten süchtig. Meine Familie litt sehr. Sie mussten alle ohne mich machen. Ich amüsierte mich beim Chatten und meinem Hobby -moderieren.
Über Internet wurde ich ein Radiomoderator für Welt- und Discomusik. Ich war bei mehreren deutschen Radiosendern bekannt durch das Internet. Ich mag von Natur gerne alle Leute glücklich machen. Aber mein eigenes Glück hatte mich verlassen. Egal wie es mir, ging, Hauptsache es geht den anderen Leuten gut . Für mein Internet- Radio tat ich alles in meiner Freizeit. Ich sammelte Informationen über Stars und arbeitete nur noch für dieses Internet-Radio, dass alle Welt interessiert zuhört
Am Anfang hatte ich Radioprogramme zusammen mit anderen Deutschen moderiert. Dort habe ich viel gelernt und machte mich dann mit meinem eigenen Radioprogramm selbständig. Ich hatte Verträge mit anderen Musikfirmen, bei denen ich legal Musik abkaufte für ca. 3 Jahre. In meinen Radiosender investierte ich sehr viel Geld. Ich kaufte mir immer mehr Computer mit den neuesten Techniken, um so immer auf den neuesten und technischen Stand mit der ganzen Welt zu sein. Am meisten machte mir das Schreiben von den Autobiographien der Sänger Spaß und das Übersetzten durch das Internet in andere Sprachen. Ich schrieb die Biographien der populärsten Stars der modernen Musikszene, wie z.B. DJ_Tiesto, MEDINA,Edward Maya,Vika Jigulina,DJ Project,Akcent,Inna,Dj Sava,DJ Ötzi,Fantasy,Matthias Reim,Michael Hirte,Michael Wendler, usw.
Mein Musikgeschmack war damals, Discofox Musik, Schlager Oldie, Hardcore Techno, House Music, Top 20, VIVA TOP 100, Revolution Neueinsteiger German Top 100 Single-Charts.
Heute erinnere ich mich, wo Salomo in der Bibel sagte: Es ist alles ganz eitel und Haschen nach Wind.
Aber die Musik war immer die größte Versuchung in meinem Glaubensleben. Ich rauchte nicht, ich trank nicht, ich nahm keine Drogen und hatte auch keine Frauengeschichten, aber die Musik wurde mir oft zum Verhängnis im Glaubensleben. Es war wie eine Macht, die mich beherrschen wollte. Wenn ich auf der Arbeit war und im Radio spielte ein Lied, fragten die Kollegen mich, wer das singt. Ich kannte so gut wie alle und auch wusste ich die Autobiographie des Interpreten. Alle wunderten sich, dass ich als Rumäne es besser wusste als sie. Sie fragten mich auch aus welchem Land ich komme und dann antwortete ich: Aus Rumänien. Und dann riefen sie: Oh, wie Peter Maffay.
Ja so war mein Leben, immer mehr auf das Weltliche und die Musik ausgerichtet. Stars und Glitzer, das war meine Welt.
Doch Jesus Christus hat wieder neu zu mir geredet. Und ich habe mich neu für Ihn entschieden und möchte jetzt mit meine Radiosendung:Radio elshaday, für Christus als Moderator tätig sein. Nun bin ich DJ und Missionar für den Herrn Jesus:
Ich lebe in Deutschland und möchte gerne hier bleiben, weil es mir gefällt.

Ich mag gerne Ordnung denn Gott ist ein Gott der Ordnung und der Disziplin.
Herr, öffne mir die Augen, mach weit meinen Blick und mein Interesse,
damit ich sehen kann, was ich noch nicht erkenne.
Herr, öffne mir die Ohren, mach mich hellhörig und aufmerksam, damit
ich hören kann, was ich noch nicht verstehe.
Herr, gib mir ein vertrauensvolles Herz, das sich deinem Wort und deiner
Treue überlässt und zu tun wagt, was es noch nicht getan hat.
Herr, ich weiß, dass ich nur lebe, wenn ich mich von dir rufen und
verändern lasse. Amen.

liebe grüße LG Dany
Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch

Man trifft mich

 My autobiography, how I to the faith found"" about ME "*DJ_DANY* biography

"My autobiography, how I found to the faith"
My name is Daniel, I am 34 years old and was born in the 9/10/1976 in Hunedoara in Romania. I have in Hetiur, a village near the city of Sighisoara in the district of Mures lived. My parents are divorced since my childhood. Then I was also brought up by my grandparents. My father lives together since then with another woman with whom he has 1 child. Some years later my mother converted and prayed from now on for me. She lives yet always in Romania and serves man.
When I was in 7.ten class, I have come once to a fight. Another boy had hit me with the fist in the stomach and this hurt very much. I defended myself again and hit him with the fist in the face and completely on the nose and then the boy fell down unconscious. He probably did not get up approx. 8-10 minutes again. I had got a fright so much at it and thought, I have killed him. I was paralyzed as and could hardly move.
The boy was revived by other schoolboys, Finally, he got up. However, there I was made easier more than and thanked and praised God that I had not killed him.
I went after 8.ten class of the school and did not want to make the 9.Te any more because I wanted to earn money. I lied to my mother and told, I have not created the exam for the 9.Te class and thus I went to the work, while my school colleagues went to school and earned money. Later it was not easy any more to visit the school and thus I always work, but thereby it is not also so simply in the professional life.
Immediately after the revolution many believers came to Romania. Came to our village
many missionaries from America, so that also I was invited to take part in her meetings. But I said them that I did not like to come because I am a young man and would like to live my life differently. I loved the worldly life and became Dj in different Roumanian discotheques. This was my life. I remember, as a youngster I also was once on a very big party and we came to a fight, so that the police was got. They asked us for our passports and I lied to them because I was afraid, I called a false name and a wrong address. After 3 months my lie came out, the policemen found me. And then they hit me, this was permitted with us in Romania. I asked for forgiveness and wanted to give alcohol and money to the policemen as a compensation, but they did not accept it. There remained with the blows of the policemen and then they released me.

After some time, nevertheless, I went to her meeting. I gave the hand men, as well as women to all American believers.
With us in the family nobody was religious. My mother was the first and she often asked me, nevertheless, I should also come to the meeting. But I did not want because I was too young and wanted to enjoy my life.
Then, nevertheless, I went along to the meetings, besides, I got as a gift from the Americans also a Bible, I read in it, however, understood generally nothing.
One evening after approx. 4-5 months a sermon reached me. The preacher gave a deep message and asked in the end who would like to convert, that is from his chair on around God the honour to give. I did this and converted, came immediately a big joy to my heart which I did not know till then. I became a happy person and I converted to God as the biggest sinner from Romania.
On the 2nd day I started to tell on the work my colleague about my conversion.
Everybody laughed at me and made fun and blasphemed behind my back. In the break I always read the Bible. And thus I strengthened myself in the 'faith. Then I read in (Jakobus1 1 - 4: Brothers it strives for pure joy if you get in challenge, know then that your faith if he is checked patience works on which you are perfect thus to her in the challenge endure.) This word came true on my job: I remember that the other colleagues to me laid porn maps, alcohol bottles and empty cigarette packaging in my pocket in the breaks. They laughed to themselves broken at me and I said nothing at all. I loved Christ more and held for joy to be treated with hostility.
After I had converted, I wanted to break off with all worldly and took all music cassettes and records; worldly literature and films including the television
together: Then I made with myself in the garden a big fire and burnt everything to live then this wasted time in future for man:

After my conversion to Jesus Christ as a youngster I had the same fights as they all have youngsters with the sexuality. I did not want to sadden the mind of God in my heart. Whenever I saw a weakly dressed girl on the street, I lowered the head down and started to deal with other things not to sin. (As well as it also did David, he wanted to declare nothing bad person before his eyes). And thus I got victory over the challenge.
(It is late who endures the challenge, because after it was endured we will attain the crown of the life.)
At the age of 17 years I became with myself in the village a preacher in our municipality, and there I can be christened and this was a nice time. We had every Sunday morning and in the evening meeting in our municipality. During the week we met every morning at 5.00 o'clock by the prayer hour. I got up every morning at 4.00 o'clock and then went for the morning prayer. While I went to the meeting, I mostly met youngsters at my age, they were got drunk or enjoyed themselves with the girls and shouted at me because I had the Bible in the hand. I saw the young people like they itself with each other amused, however, I did not want to look, because I remembered the Bible verse, I leave nothing sinful before my eyes, and looked away to escape from the desires of the youth.
With the prayer hours I was often dog-tired and even sometimes fell asleep. Then the other believers woke me. Nevertheless, after the prayer I went strengthened to the work. God has refreshed me.
Also at the age of 17 years I made for other marriage-willing youngsters a Bible study than preparation 0in our meetings held. However, they refused and did not want. Thus I became the househusband: I cleaned, wipe, hoover and everything and from 10ten part for man we slowly started building own assembly room and there I was used later than preacher.
For the sermons I always well prepared. A 2-hour sermon zb. was prepared by me approx. 8 hours. I read the Bible and used Christian books to better understanding at my table; to make to me notes to the sermon. Before every sermon I knelt down before the speaker's writing desk, prayed and asked God for words and wisdom for the sermon. Thus I completely became of the love and goodness of God. I needed no friends, world love etc.: My joy was man. There also came other people; to hear the sermons.
In 1999 I worked in a company which worked on scrap iron. My boss was very contented with me because I was punctual and reliable and did not smoke. And everything what he gave me to works, acted I and, besides, he knew that I was a Christian, but he said nothing against the faith he separate was beindruckt from me. In the same company worked an adventist (7-days adventist's municipality). Differences of opinion were sometimes because of the faith between us. He had family and was a chauffeur in the company. But one did not notice that he was religious. He cursed and often behaved badly. Often if he on the way was by the company car he took the women of the street and had a good time with them. Once we have worked directly beside his house. And then I saw like one of his children a sex newspaper in the house found and with it fast to his mother has run. At the midday he has invited all employees to himself home. We ate together and then there came his woman with this sex newspaper and threw them on the table and said to us: See sometimes my dear men what man I have. Then he was ashamed. I liked my boss very well. And one day he appealed to me because of the faith. He wanted with pleasure that I make the driving licence for the truck to become the driver for the company
I remember that I have made a lot of mission on the street in the time. And sometimes I also distributed small Bible for prison inmates. I distributed many treatises. My biggest wish, nevertheless, was to leave as a missionary because I have understood thus the Gospel that we should go to the world to preach the Gospel. (Jesus Christ, says in the holy writing: Go there to all world and preach the Gospel of all world who believes and is christened should be saved who does not believe, however, will be lost. (Markus 16.16) I distributed many treatises in different towns in coach and road with the stamp of our municipality. Later our municipality got several letters of people who had appealed to these treatises read and as a result, thoughtfully or had done even a decision for Christ. For it is to Mr. Lob and thanks. Because the Americans have put a lot of money in Christian literature UndTraktate, I acted this service further. But with us in Romania the people also are more openly for the Gospel, conditioned by the big poverty. Unfortunately, in western countries, like, e.g., Germany this is different. With us in the churches the preachers come partly with wellingtons of the work and they have no money for normal street shoes. This is poverty, but they search God.
I further remember that I was on the move with myself in the village and in the afterwards bigger town with a list. I went from house to house and told the person about Jesus Christ. If somebody was not at home, I made on the list a sign, so that I went then once again there.
In our village an orthodox priest also lived. Also to him I wanted to transmit the love of God by Jesus, man would also demand his blood of my hand, it stands written. When I rang with him and told him about my conversion, he became more and more furious and said me, he is a theologian and is a scribe with study. I was only a poor young man who became by Christ richly in the heart and the priest threw me. All neighbours saw this. And then he still shouted behind me, I am from a sect. He warned all the other neighbours who are orthodox for the most part that they should go only not to our sect.
This also recurred in other towns and villages. The orthodox priests were the worst enemies. They keep the people from coming to the faith and blow to one the Bible and become even violent. But, nevertheless, some have found to the faith.
A day as I was together with an American brother while distributing the treatises and the Christian literature, among the rest, we also met a policeman. We also gave him a small Bible and told about the love of God. But he got excited dreadfully, why we have given him a Bible and a box on the ears and the brother hit to the American brother the other cheek also offered him, because thus it stands written. We owed God for the box on the ears and the problems and temptations and went on happily. One does not come to the sky with flowers if other have sacrificed themselves, one says in a song.
Unfortunately, I was also defeated of the more often by the challenge and temptation. I wanted to be for other no impulse to the sin, as a preacher. But I was young and not married. Thus I remember that I was also not married myself once to another American preacher, and also got in sexual challenge, took a floor and his meat hit, only not to sin. Thus I also wanted to do it. Since I was in the first love to Christ and caught to my meat in the same way to punish if the challenge and temptation came, only not to sin.
Once I have spoken with an ecclesiastical brother of my sexual problem and to him my sins kekannt. Then we have prayed and then he has told everything in a sermon and the people have had a good time not recognised in the light of God and to themselves about me and thus I was completely depressed and more and more melancholically and was closed.

As a youngster I worked in a tailoring. There shirts were sewn. Everybody sat in a machine and made parts for the shirts. One the sleeves, one the collars and one the fronts and backs.
There worked almost only women, approx. 300, I was the einzigste man between the whole women and also sewed my parts in chord. Otherwise, as an Einzigster man, it only some engineers were occupied for the electricity there.
When man alone and does not marry and a Christian sat I between the whole women and they talked the whole day only about the subject Sex. Many girls wanted with pleasure that I should be her friend. But I did not want. A woman beside me, often told me about her problems with her man and her family. She brought me every morning a glass of juice with on the work and wanted to separate from her man and marry me. But I did not want this. Thus I had to endure many challenges, but I also got the victory. The word of God teaches us that we should have no community with the unbelievers and also should not marry unbelievers. And this was my position.
New Year's Eves we were invited by the company to the celebration. We went everybody there. I drew a nice suit, and also went. Everybody was already gathered when I have entered. Then the colleagues looked at me and wanted that I sit with you. I sat down beside them and everybody offered something to me from her cake. Then there was a big party. Then the girls wanted to dance everybody with me: I wanted not at all: But they pushed me to me gave way. I danced with you and then I had big moral conflicts, because as a missionary and preacher I knew that the sin was.
In our town there was a Christian library. I often went there, lent books and cassettes and brought back this afterwards. I also bought some books and cassettes. I read many reports of missionaries and also a book of Hudson to taler which was a missionary in China: His book became to me the blessing and I got the burning wish to go to the mission to China. I renounced ones fell on good food and other wishes to supply myself ecclesiastically with these books and also which to buy: As a preacher and Christian I had hunger according to God's word and read the Bible and lived ecclesiastically on these books.

I often prayed to God that he may give me a woman by his will with whom I could serve man. Even if she comes of another country that we become acquainted. And I also prayed that God may still send other missionaries with whom I can transmit the Gospel.
One day some colleagues went during the break on the market to buy food. When they came back told them to me that they have seen at the market a group with guitars which sing about the faith. I thought immediately that the missionaries are and went to look. It was actual in such a way. I went, found the group singing with guitar. They were no Rumanians, but invited to an Evangelisation in the hothouse. I talked to the Roumanian translator and went to the Evangelisation. After the sermon I talked to the preacher and his translator and told him that I pray for a long time for missionaries and am ready everything to let to go to the mission. Then the preacher said me, you are the man whom we search.
Later then from 1999 to 2002 I have moved together with my mother with this group from Germany through Romania of town to town to make mission and to testify the person of Jesus Christ. For it we have rented our house for some time and have taken vacation. In August, 2002

Then later I have gone like the lost son to the world. I have turned away from God. In my town in Germany where I lives many Rumanians do not live and, nevertheless, thus I sometimes felt foreign, although my family loved me very much, but these were foreign countries. We lived together like a religious family and also visited services. My woman remained with the faith because this were her hold and her luck. Later we bought to ourselves a computer and took also Internet in addition. Thereby I have slided very much. I searched many Roumanian chat friends for myself and spent my free time only before the PC. I became addicted from chatting. My family suffered very much. They had to make everybody without me. I had a good time while chatting and mine hobby present.
On Internet I became a radiopresenter for world music and disco music. I was known with several German radio stations by the Internet. I may make from nature with pleasure all people happy. But my own luck had left me. All the same as it went for me, central issue it goes well to the other people. For my Internet radio I did everything in my spare time. I collected information about stars and worked only for this Internet radio that all world listens with interest
At the beginning I had presented radioprogrammes together with other Germans. There I have learnt a lot and then made myself with my own radioprogramme independent. I had contracts with other music companies with which I legally music bought for approx. 3 years. I invested a lot of money in my radio station. I bought more and more computer with the newest technologies to myself to be so always on the newest and technical state with the whole world. Mostly the writing of the autobiographies of the singers gave to me pleasure and the translated by the Internet into other languages. I wrote the biographies of the most popular stars of the modern music scene, as for example DJ_Tiesto, MEDINA, Edward Maya, Vika Jigulina, DJ Project, Akcent, Inna, Dj Sava, DJ Ötzi, to fantasy, Matthias Reim, Michael Hirte, Michael Wendler, etc.
At that time my music taste was, disco fox terrier a music, hit Oldie, hardcore Techno, House Music, top 20, TOP VIVA 100, revolution new beginner German top 100 single charts.
Today I remember where Salomo said in the Bible: Everything is quite futile and catching at wind.
But the music was always the biggest temptation in my religious life. I did not smoke, I did not drink, I took no drugs and also had no women's stories, but the music often became to me the disaster in the religious life. It was like a power which wanted to control me. If I was on the work and on the radio a song played, the colleagues asked me who sings this. I knew virtually everybody and also knew I the autobiography of the interpreter. Everybody was surprised that I knew it better than they as a Rumanian. They asked me also from which country I come and then I answered: From Romania. And then they shouted: Oh, how Peter Maffay.
Yes so my life, more and more on the worldly and the music was aimed. Star and glitter, this was my world.
However, Jesus Christ has talked again anew to me. And I have decided anew on Him and now would like to act with my Radiosendung:Radio elshaday, for Christ as a presenter. Now I am a DJ and missionary for Mr. Jesus:
I live in Germany and would like to stay here with pleasure because I like it.

I like with pleasure order then God is a God of the order and the discipline.
Man, opens the eyes to me, make far my look and my interest,
so that I can see what I do not recognise yet.
Man, opens the ears to me, draw the attention of me light dependent and, with it
I can hear what I do not understand yet.
Man, present yourselves to me a trusting heart, to your word and yours
Loyalty leaves and dares to act what has not done it yet.
Man, I know that I only live if I call me from you and
allows to change. Amen.
Willi Lambert

dear one greets LG Dany
Many thanks for your visit

One meets me
The Mission of Temenos

Christianity has at its center the conviction that God entered human history and took on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, thereby redeeming humanity in the very midst of its own fragility and limitations by co-mingling the human with the divine. Throughout the Gospels we are repeatedly presented with the One who actually sought out the most disenfranchised and rejected. He went to those who were considered the most loathsome and unclean, physically and spiritually. The very source of the compassion of Jesus is his identification with the humanity, the suffering, the rejection and the abandonment that anyone, anywhere, has every suffered (John 1:10-11; Hebrews 2:14-18).
Dorothy Day

Inspired by these reflections on the life of Jesus and by the ministry of Dorothy Day, Temenos Catholic Worker seeks to identify with those who find themselves abandoned and isolated in their suffering, in particular male and female sex workers and homeless gay/lesbian/transgender youth.

Temenos is a Greek word for an area that is cut off or separated. Harry Hay referred to it as "the edge of the village"--a dwelling place designated by some ancient societies for gays, lesbians and other outcasts. Temenos Catholic Worker seeks to reach out in the name of the Risen Christ to those who are alienated and cut off from society and to follow the model of Jesus who, as Monika Hellwig writes, was "one who entered into immediate, shockingly unconventional relationships with people, not evading the human encounter by the choreography of the socio-cultural role definitions." Temenos Catholic Worker is committed to the ideals of:
Personalism: A philosophy of life based upon respect for the freedom and dignity of each person as an image of God, personalism understands that our fundamental purpose as human beings is to incarnate self-emptying love through practical action for the common good.

Non-Violence: Jesus taught us to take suffering upon ourselves rather than inflict it upon others. Thus, we oppose the deliberate taking of life for any reason and see every oppression or degrading of human life as blasphemy.

The Works of Mercy: As recorded in Matthew 25:31-46, these works include feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, and visiting the prisoner. We understand the works of mercy to be at the heart of the Gospel; they are clear mandates as to how we are to respond to "the least of our brothers and sisters." Anything beyond what we immediately need belongs by right to those who are going without.
Voluntary Poverty: Dorothy Day, cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement, wrote that "the mystery of ourselves poor in giving to others, we increase our knowledge of and belief in love." By embracing voluntary poverty, that is, by casting our lot freely with choice, we ask for the grace to abandon ourselves to the love of God. This puts us on the path to incarnating the Church's "preferential option for the poor."
Born of the experience of rejection and uncertainty, Temenos Catholic Worker seeks to embrace in the name of Jesus Christ others who have felt abandoned in their most difficult moments.

Confessions of a Gadget Hound

Confessions of a Gadget Hound

I would like to confirm that I am an unabashed gadget hound. For me, the fun is exploring something new, discovering how it works and assessing its usefulness. In particular, my focus is on computing and related technologies. My current menagerie of devices includes my work laptop running Windows 8, my personal MacBook Pro, Nexus 7 tablet, iPhone 4, and the new Kindle Paperwhite. My purpose in boring you with that list is to demonstrate that I am neither a windows junkie nor a Mac bigot. Neither am I new to the addiction. My first encounter with personal computing was when I worked for the local Radio Shack after graduating from high school. The TRS-80 had recently been introduced, and I could play with it between stocking shelves and waiting on customers. Eventually, my hobby became my career when the office machine company that I work for decided to grow an IT division. I could bore you with another long list of all the intervening technology, but I won’t. It is interesting though to look back and see how much as changed since the days of Netware and Windows 3.1. Looking back also reveals how much is the same.
In reality, the basic problems that technology is hoping to solve have not changed much at all. There is not much difference between ancient clay tablets and the word processor that I’m using to write this article. Both are meant to record thought. One is difficult to correct, has no spell checker and is tedious to distribute. The other fixes all of those problems but your work can disappear in the blink of an eye and will be obsolete whenever the next version is released. Which is why I enjoy being a gadget hound, the hope that the next new thing will be the perfect fix without introducing new problems.
This blog will not simply be about the glories and heartaches of technology. While I am certain that there will be some tech reviews along the way the primary goal is to explore the intersection of tech and our walk with Christ. Asking how technology has been and can be used to extend our reach, enhance our worship, and improve our communication. While this soapbox allows me to express my thoughts and experiences, I know that there is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to technology. I look forward to reading your thoughts and experiences as well. Especially what solutions you may have found to the problem being discussed. As a teaser let me encourage you to check back soon for the next article, which I’m calling “Lighting Up Bughouse Square.”

37 Ways to Love One Another

37 Ways to Love One Another

A local church is not built by one man, or even a few men, but by every believer being actively involved in ministry through evangelizing the lost people in their lives and serving their fellow Christians. A quick glance at the practice of the New Testament church reveals that they thought very little about programs and very much about relationships.
Consider the disciple-making that would naturally take place in the life of a local church if every believer would practice the loving, one-another ministry that the early churches first read about in the instructions they received from the apostles:
  1. Be devoted to one another (Rom. 12:10).
  2. Give preference to one another (Rom. 12:10).
  3. Be of the same mind toward one another (Rom. 12:16).
  4. Accept one another by withholding judgment (Rom. 14:1).
  5. Accept one another by showing deference (Rom. 14:1–5; 15:7).
  6. Esteem [highly regard] one another in love (Rom. 14:5; Phil. 2:3).
  7. Build up one another (Rom. 14:19; 1 Thes. 5:11).
  8. Counsel one another (Rom. 15:14).
  9. Serve one another by showing deference in matters of liberty (Gal. 5:13).
  10. Bear one another’s sin burdens (Gal. 6:2).
  11. Be gentle with one another (Eph. 4:2).
  12. Be kind to one another so as to preserve unity (Eph. 4:32).
  13. Speak truth to one another (Eph. 4:25; Col 3:9).
  14. Submit to one another (Eph. 5:21).
  15. Show compassion to one another (Col. 3:12).
  16. Bear with the inherent sinfulness of one another (Col. 3:13).
  17. Forgive one another (Col. 3:13).
  18. Use Spirit-filled, Word-saturated music to teach and admonish one another (Col. 3:16; Eph. 5:19).
  19. Comfort one another with the hope of Christ’s return (1 Thes. 4:18).
  20. Encourage one another (1 Thes. 5:11).
  21. Live in peace with one another (1 Thes. 5:13).
  22. Seek good for one another (1 Thes. 5:15).
  23. Encourage one another to forsake unbelief and hardness of heart (Heb. 3:13).
  24. Stimulate one another to spiritual growth (Heb. 10:24).
  25. Encourage one another by faithful participation in your local church (Heb. 10:25).
  26. Confess sins to one another (James 5:16).
  27. Pray for one another’s spiritual and physical healing (James 5:16).
  28. Be long-suffering and patient toward one another (1 Peter 4:8; Eph. 4:2).
  29. Be hospitable to one another without complaint (1 Peter 4:9).
  30. Serve one another (1 Peter 4:10; Gal. 5:13).
  31. Act in humility toward one another (1 Peter 5:5).
  32. Show holy affection to one another (1 Peter 5:14).
  33. Participate in the holy walk with one another (1 John 1:7).
  34. Refuse to become resentful toward one another (1 John 3:11–12).
  35. Give sacrificially to meet one another’s needs (1 John 3:16–17).
  36. Fight fear together by growing in love (1 John 4:18).
  37. Walk in truth together (1 John 3:18; 2 John 1:5).
The Christian life is all about relationships. It’s God’s design for our personal growth, which then translates into church growth—the real kind. Loving one another is a powerful evangelistic tool, as Jesus says: “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).
[The above list makes a great personal Bible study or the basis for small group discussion.



One of life’s little quirks is the name of the Victorian gold rush town Bendigo. Like many places in Australia it was given several names until 1891, when the official name of Sandhurst was changed back to the pre-gold rush name: Bendigo.
“Bendigo” is not an aboriginal word as some have thought but refers to a local shepherd who was famous for boxing. His real name is not known; Bendigo was the nickname given to him for his similarity to the famous British boxer William Thompson.
William Thompson was born in Nottingham 1811, the youngest of triplet boys. They were given the biblical nicknames of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – the three young Jewish men in Babylon who would not bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image and so were thrown into the fiery furnace. It was by the name ‘Abednego’ that William Thompson started his career as a professional bare-knuckle fighter. The name was shortened and changed by a process called metathesis to Bendigo.
William Thompson was the Mohammed Ali of his day. He was a clown who drew a crowd and was crowned a champion. He was particularly fast and athletic, a man of great jest and constant talk. He was very acrobatic, dancing around his opponents, baiting them with a steady stream of taunts and insults. He was a crowd pleaser always showing off and even doing somersaults in the ring during a fight. But all this covered a highly skilled pugilist – a southpaw who was technically ahead of his time. In the early 19th century he was the biggest draw card in the, then illegal, bare-knuckle boxing world with crowds of over ten thousand following him. He was crowned as the Champion Prize Fighter of All England. His fame spread throughout the empire, even to the sleepy farming area in central Victoria where a local shepherd’s fighting earned him the nickname Bendigo.
Bendigo Thompson, like many other poor men, found in boxing a fame and fortune that would normally have been denied somebody who grew up in the poorhouse. Prior to the 20th century pension systems, the poorhouses of Britain, such as the one in Nottingham to which his widowed mother had to resort, were not much better than the prisons. Boxing was a way to make fast money and get out of poverty, but it came at a dreadful cost. It was illegal for very good reasons. It is a sport designed to injure and damage the contestant. The promoters make money, the gamblers exchange money and the crowd is entertained by violence – but the boxers lose. Their careers are short and their health is often destroyed. One of Bendigo’s famous fights with his great rival Ben Caunt, went for 96 rounds lasting over two hours. His last fight (of a mere 49 rounds!) was when he was 39.
But what do retired boxers do? He went fishing and won some All England Fishing awards. He became a coach in Oxford but that didn’t last. When his mother died he turned to alcohol and political violence. It was a time of great unrest and the ‘Nottingham Lambs’ of which he was a part, used violence to protest the unjust and appalling living standards of the city of Nottingham. But his hopeless drunken behaviour brought him to the attention of the magistrates and 28 times he was imprisoned for drunken disorderliness. Two decades after his last fight, small children were seen mocking the once great athlete as he descended into habitual drunkenness.
This could have been the sad, all too common end of another extraordinarily talented boxer but God had other plans and other purposes for him. In a manner that astonished all who knew of him, especially the magistrates and the Nottingham Lambs, Bendigo was transformed by the gospel. At a revivalist meeting conducted by a converted miner, Richard Weaver, he gave his heart to God and was a changed man from that time on.
At the age of 60 he became a preacher. His preaching was not literary or learned. He was literally illiterate and so couldn’t read the Bible. His preaching was of the obvious character of a transformed life. Drawing huge crowds because of his fame, he told people: “I wish I could read out of this Blessed Book, so's I could talk to you better - but I never learnt to read proper. It's two years since King Jesus came to me an' had a bout wi' me - an' he licked me in the first round.” He would often point to his trophies and say 'See them belts; see them cups; I used to fight for those, but now I fight for Christ!'
At 69 years of age he died - not knowing that he would indirectly give his name to a city in Victoria – just as many of its citizens to this day remain ignorant of him and his troubled life. But Bendigo was a man of Nottingham. He was born there, raised there, fought for it and fought in it. In a short poem chastising educated people’s ignorance of him, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called him “the pride of Nottingham”. It was only fitting that Bendigo would be buried in Nottingham. Thousands attended his funeral, the procession being more than a mile long. Even the Times printed an obituary of him, though he was a humble and poor man whose tumultuous life was full of toil and trouble.
But it is his tomb’s epitaph that records his transformed life and his real home city. “In life always brave, fighting like a lion: in death like a lamb, tranquil in Zion.”

When You Preach A Lousy Sermon

When You Preach A Lousy Sermon

If you’re a preacher, it’s inevitable that you’ll preach some lousy sermons. It’s not possible to hit a home run every single week.
Hitting Home Runs
Last Sunday I preached a lousy sermon. It felt awful and embarrassing. I was so discouraged on Sunday. Let me tell you the story and offer a few thoughts to help you the next time you preach a lousy sermon.
I just finished preaching a six-week sermon series on Jonah. It was awesome. I felt like I kept hitting home runs, a few grand slams even, through that series. I’ve never felt so much joy in preaching and never seen God use my preaching as much as he did through that series. Our whole church was being gripped by God as we went through this series together. I was in my sweet spot as a preacher. I like being in this spot.
Then, two Sundays ago, we had a guest preacher: Francis Chan. Francis Chan is a great preacher. He did a really good job for us. It was our first Sunday of year two as a church, and our biggest Sunday yet at Garden City.
So, for this last Sunday, I was pumped up to launch a new sermon series on the Gospel of John and capitalize on all the momentum in the church. Preachers, you all know how important it is to nail that first sermon in a new series. It can set the tone for the whole sermon series. Our whole church was also pumped up to begin the new series.
Striking Out
All week long I wrestled and wrestled with the text (John 1:1-18). Honestly, I’ve never had a harder time figuring out how to preach a text. I just couldn’t get my mind and heart around this Prologue to John’s Gospel, I couldn’t find handles. I actually woke up on Sunday morning, trashed the sermon I’d written, and wrote a whole new one.
I got up to preach on Sunday afternoon and it was tough from the start. The microphone kept bugging out. Some babies in the service were loud and were distracting me. And, worst of all, “the click” never happened for me. Normally, sometime during the week as I’m preparing to preach, I feel something click deep inside my heart, I know I’ve heard from God and I have his message to deliver to the people. With how I’m wired, most of the time I find myself crying a few tears when this click happens–my heart just feels so full, I feel at once a deep sense of inadequacy, passion, and excitement to preach. But I never experienced this when preparing for last week. The message wasn’t really in my heart. I’ve vowed to never preach a sermon unless it’s traveled through my gut, but the reality is that when you preach every week, sometimes that doesn’t happen in the way you want it to.
So I slogged through the sermon. Even during the act of preaching I felt drained, like energy was leaving me, when normally I feel increasingly energized while I preach. I love my church and my city so much and I felt like I was giving them a little snack when I wanted to give them a feast.
I finished preaching and walked back to the pews to sit next to my wife. She knew. She squeezed my hand three times (our signal for saying “I-love-you”) and put her hand on my back.
The Gospel for Preachers
I felt terrible. I felt embarrassed. But then our worship leader began to lead us in worship, singing the song, “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.” At once I chose to worship, and I sang as loudly as I could the good news:
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, NOT, On my preaching performance I stand!
Years ago it would’ve taken me twenty-four hours to get over the discouragement of preaching a lousy sermon. This time it took me about six hours. By Sunday night, after debriefing and laughing with my wife, I felt normal again. Shifting to immediate worship, instead of self-pity, made the turn around much faster. Believing the gospel made the turn around much faster. Laughing about it with my wife made it much faster. My prayer for you and me is that the gospel of God’s grace would get bigger and bigger in our lives. As it does, we will get over our lousy sermons faster and rest in the fact that we stand on a solid rock, not the sinking sand of preaching performance.
God Doesn’t Need Us
And we must always remember that God doesn’t need a good sermon to do his work. I felt my sermon was terrible, not at all up to my standards, but I still preached the text/the gospel, I still got on base. And, God still used the sermon. That’s always amazing to me, to hear that people were still deeply helped by my lousy sermon.
This won’t be the last time this happens. I think God likes to do this, he likes to humble us as preachers. He likes to remind us that he doesn’t need us in order to accomplish his purposes.
Advice In a Nutshell
So, in a nutshell, what’s my advice for us as preachers? Here it is:
-Aim to preach the best sermon you can possibly preach each and every week. Swing for the fences. Aim to hit a home run. Play Big. The privilege of preaching is enormous and worthy of our best efforts. I’ve already transitioned out of my discouragement and I can’t wait to get back in the pulpit and preach my guts out this Sunday.
-Know that lousy sermons are inevitable. They will come. Sometimes they will come when you sort of expect it (like this last Sunday for me), other times they will come when you least expect it. And sometimes they will come when you expect it (like this last Sunday), but least want it (like this last Sunday, a big momentum Sunday for us).
-Remind yourself that you are not what you do. When you preach a lousy sermon that is the best time to remind yourself that you stand on Christ, not the unstable sand of preaching performance. Your identity rests in Christ, not in what you do for Christ. Embrace the way God wants to humble you through the experience of preaching a lousy sermon.
-Learn everything you can from your lousy sermons. In my case from last Sunday, I’ve noted three mistakes I made that I will do my best to not make again (1. Normally my sermons are arrows–they are clear and sharp, but this sermon was disjointed. 2. I tried to do too much in one sermon. 3. I was preaching without “the click” mentioned above). Specifically noting what went wrong is helping me as I prepare for this Sunday.
-Have fun. The preaching life is hard, but it’s also a lot of fun. Don’t get too serious about all this. Take God seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Your church and your city needs a preacher who can laugh at himself. If you want to keep at this thing for four or five decades (as I do), you need to pace yourself and make sure you’re having plenty of fun along the way. Lousy sermons are just part of the gig.